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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Trusted open source for everyone

Since 2004, Canonical has worked closely with the open source community to deliver Ubuntu, the most popular OS in the public cloud, known for its reliability and ease of use. Today, Canonical extends the principles behind Ubuntu to a wider portfolio of open source products. Our footprint spans from the smallest devices to the largest clouds and from the kernel to data fabric and AI solutions. With customers that include top tech brands, emerging startups, governments and home users, Canonical delivers trusted open source for everyone.

What is Docker Network Host?

Docker is a platform as a service for deploying applications in Docker containers. Containers are software "packages" that bundle together an application's source code with its libraries, configurations, and dependencies, helping software run more consistently and reliably on different machines. To start using Docker containers, you need to be familiar with Docker networking. Below, we'll answer the question: "What is a Docker network host?".

Captains Log: A first look at our architecture for Signals

Welcome to the first Signals Captain’s Log! My name is Robert, and I’m a recovering on-call engineer and the CEO of FireHydrant. When we started our journey of building Signals, a viable replacement for PagerDuty, OpsGenie, etc, we decided very early that we would tell everyone what makes Signals unique, and what better way than to tell you how we’re building it (without revealing too much 😉). Let’s jump in.

Solving Common System Center Orchestrator Problems

Sometimes, when building Runbooks in Orchestrator, it can feel like you’ve hit a dead end with no way to achieve the functionality or automation you require. For newer users, Orchestrator can be daunting because it is a completely blank canvas; there are no sample runbooks included or out-of-the-box automations. In addition, with a shift in focus to cloud automation, there is limited guidance and ‘how to’ advice available to help users.

The New SEC Rules and You

The Securities and Exchanges Commission published new rules for SEC registrants around disclosing incident details and response policies. Compliance with these new rules should be top of mind for any company – even if your org hasn’t hit the milestone of registering with the SEC, you should be prepared to be compliant when you take that step. ‍

Git leaks, FTW

Stop committing code without automatically scanning for secrets. This tip walks you through git leaks, a useful little utility in every dev's toolbelt. Give Sleuth a try and see how we give teams actionable insights on how to improve with no-code automations to instantly ship improvements, and metrics to measure their impact — all in a way that both managers and developers love.

Azure Service Bus Monitoring and Alerting

Microsoft Azure offers a cloud-based messaging service called Azure Service Bus. The goal is to streamline communication between disparate components or applications, regardless of whether they are distributed across multiple environments and locations or operating on the same Azure platform. With Azure Service Bus, you can develop distributed systems that are scalable, reliable, and decoupled.