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How Kuberenetes is shaping a cloud native future for operators

Leveraging Kubernetes to modernize application infrastructures presents several opportunities. Learn more about how Kubernetes is offering complete automation with reduced human intervention and shaping a cloud-native future. Executive Speakers: Ravi Alluboyina - Vice President of Engineering, Robin.io, A Rakuten Symphony Company David Lu - VP, Software Defined Networking Platforms and Systems, AT&T

What's new in Sysdig - September 2022

Welcome to the September edition of What’s New in Sysdig in 2022! I’m Ayu Shah, Principal Sales Engineer based out of San Francisco Bay Area. I joined Sysdig a little over six months ago and it has been an exciting journey to say the least! I have worn many hats in my career, from Software Engineering to Sales and everything in between. I am excited to share some updates to What’s New in Sysdig for this month!

Understanding Domain-Agnostic v. Domain-Centric AIOps Platforms

No matter what we do, we’ll always be surrounded by choices. Do I save money and take the bus, or do I spend money filling up my gas tank? Do I make dinner at home, or do I eat dinner out? Whatever the outcome, it’s our needs – what we require and what we can afford – that help guide us to where we should go. Technology is no exception. Especially in AIOps.

Interlink Enterprise AIOps App - Visualize and manage operational health in a single app.

The power of Enterprise AIOps at your fingertips. The Interlink Software Enterprise AIOps mobile app meets the performance and usability levels of consumer apps, delivering single pane visibility of the operational IT health of your organization to a wide variety of personas.

How to Identify Unused, Wasted and Orphaned Azure Resources and Reduce Azure Cost?

Every article you find about reducing Azure cost will invariably mention ensuring any unused (especially PAYG) resources are identified and shut down/deleted. However very few actually will tell you “HOW” to do this. eG Enterprise has added new functionality to enable you to identify unused, wasted and orphaned Azure resources and services without the need to resort to hacking up KQL queries or PowerShell scripts.

Ubuntu Arrives on Amazon WorkSpaces: The First Fully Managed Ubuntu VDI on a Public Cloud

29th September 2022 – Canonical is proud to announce the availability of Ubuntu WorkSpaces on AWS, a fully managed virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) on the public cloud and the first third-party Linux OS available on the platform. Ubuntu Desktop’s availability on Amazon WorkSpaces was announced today at the AWS End User Computing Innovation Day in Seattle, WA.

What's New: Updates to Mobile, PagerDuty Process Automation Software & PagerDuty Runbook Automation, and More!

We’re excited to announce a new set of updates and enhancements to the PagerDuty Operations Cloud. Recent development and app updates from the product team include Incident Response, PagerDuty® Process Automation, as well as Community & Advocacy Events updates. We continue to help customers automate everywhere to optimize cloud operations and reduce the amount of issues escalated to other teams.

Digital Enterprise Journal (DEJ) Names Checkly a Leader in Monitoring for Cloud Native Environments

The demand for continuous innovation and faster delivery requires a fresh approach to monitoring modern apps and APIs. As development environments grow increasingly dynamic and complex, monitoring performance through a platform that is fully programmable, handles app and API-testing, is optimized for developers, and integrates with existing tools and workflows becomes increasingly critical.

Microsoft Teams Lagging? How We Fixed the Issue in 10 Minutes.

When was the last time you had to ask someone to repeat something during an MS Teams call, or had to restart the app, just because the call quality dropped? Sounds familiar? Frustrating, isn’t it? Now imagine hundreds, if not thousands, of employees feeling this frustration at work. Think of the time lost for them, for the organization, and—more importantly—for those who’ll need to fix it. As EUC professionals, we cannot let that happen.