
Krakow, Poland
  |  By PerfOps
The PerfOps suite offers many tools to help you troubleshoot and measure your network performance with ease. One of the most often used tools is the Traceroute diagnostic tool. It is used to determine the path that an Internet Protocol (IP) packet takes from a source device to a destination device on a network.
  |  By PerfOps
Whether you are looking to research, switch, or add additional DNS providers for redundancy, it's important to consider several factors and ask the right questions that will determine the provider that best suits your organization's needs.
  |  By PerfOps
This blog continues our best CDN series. Today we will be analyzing CDN performance and uptime in Japan over the last seven and 30 days. Tip: Are you new to CDNs? Visit our What is a CDN resource to learn more.
  |  By PerfOps
This blog continues our best CDN series. Today we will be analyzing content delivery network performance and uptime in the United Kingdom over the last seven and 30 days. Tip: Are you new to CDNs? Visit our What is a CDN resource to learn more.
  |  By PerfOps
This blog continues our best CDN series. Today we will be analyzing CDN performance and uptime in India over the last seven and 30 days. Tip: Are you new to CDNs? Visit our What is a CDN resource to learn more.
  |  By PerfOps
No matter which one you choose, all PerfOps products are about the data. We’re committed to providing high-value DNS, CDN, and Cloud analytics for providers and businesses. The data derived from our analytics software is the most accurate and robust DNS, CDN, and Cloud data in the world. Rest assured, as far as providers go, there are no “red-headed stepchildren” here. No bias. No number skewing. The data is what the data is. Pure and simple.
  |  By PerfOps
As the demand for media-rich content grows, so do the performance expectations of consumers. One of the greatest challenges online businesses face is to deliver large amounts of content to audiences spread out across the globe as quickly as possible. The solution is a content delivery network (CDN).
  |  By PerfOps
This blog continues our best CDN series. Today we will be analyzing CDN performance and uptime in the Great White North (aka Canada) within the last seven and 30 days. Let’s get started! Tip: Are you new to CDNs? Visit our What is a CDN resource to learn more.
  |  By PerfOps
As the demand for media-rich content grows, so do the performance expectations of consumers. One of the greatest challenges online businesses face is to deliver large amounts of content to audiences spread out across the globe as quickly as possible. The solution is a content delivery network (CDN).
  |  By PerfOps
In this blog, we’ll be continuing our series on best-performing CDNs by country. Today’s focus is on Russia. This analysis compares CDN performance and RUM uptime metrics grouped by data sources within the last seven and 30 days of this writing. First things first.
  |  By PerfOps
Smart load balancing and internet traffic routing using DNS and custom data like performance, uptime and cost to achieve your goals.

PerfOps is a flexible load balancer and data analytics platform that simplifies global traffic management. We provide high quality data that can be used for competitive intelligence, diagnosing issues, and identifying bottlenecks in the network.

Our big data platform ingest billions of metrics from hundreds of locations around the world, then processes that data and streams it to our dashboard or customer endpoint, all in real time. Tap into this data using our FlexBalancers to start making smarter routing decisions.

PerfOps was launched by a team of experts with years of experience building global networks and highly distributed applications. Best known for the hugely popular jsDelivr, the first open source multi-CDN in the world. Our other projects include DNSPerf and CDNPerf, the DNS and CDN performance benchmarking services used by thousands of companies around the world.

Real Time Load-Balancing based on any metrics:

  • Smart routing with FlexBalancer: Intelligent traffic routing that makes decisions in real time based on RUM metrics or any other custom parameters.
  • Uptime Monitoring and Failover: Monitor the uptime of your servers and services and connect them with FlexBalancer for enhanced failover and uptime.
  • Distributed Infrastructure Monitoring and Analytics: Use both RUM and synthetic tests to monitor and understand the performance and availability of CDN and DNS providers.

Smart traffic routing. Easy. Fast. Reliable.