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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Serverless API with ReactJS

The article, Serverless API with ReactJS, was first published on the Serverless Guru website. Let’s build a Serverless REST API for our ReactJS website! In my last article, Deploy ReactJS App with S3 Static Hosting, we discussed hosting a simple React app on AWS with S3. This works great for simple static pages but what if you want to do something more? How do you host your API on S3?

API Monitoring and OAuth 2.0 Authentication

OAuth 2.0 Authentication, as explained by oauth.net, is a “delegation protocol that is used for conveying authorization decisions across a network of web-enabled applications and APIs.” OAuth was created in 2006 by developers from Twitter and Ma.gnolia, a social bookmarking site. Ma.gnolia was looking for a way to use OpenID, along with the Twitter API, to delegate authentication.

The Joker's in town. Time to secure your Android devices

Security experts from Google have discovered a new spyware in 24 Play Store apps that, combined, have more than 472,000 downloads. Researchers have stated that this spyware also has the capabilities of normal malware and appears to have infected certain apps in Google Play with more than 100,000 installations. Cybercriminals are deploying this spyware through the advertisement framework in those compromised apps.

Getting Started Using Cycle.io's API With NodeJS

The recent public release of Cycle’s API has already seen all sorts of innovative uses, from automating the deployments of medical applications, to creating customized monitoring services to track specific performance metrics. Everything you can do in the portal can also be accomplished via the API — it’s actually the exact same API we used to build the portal!

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10 Best iOS crash reporting tools for 2019

The best iOS crash reporting tools have to meet many expectations. They need to monitor crashes, generate crash reports, filter and group errors, and perform other tasks. In this article, we have collected the 10 best iOS crash reporting tools so you can make a decision. They can help you catch errors in real-time, identify patterns, and fix bugs before they affect your customers.

Announcing Crash Monitoring for macOS with Rollbar

What’s better than an SDK that supports iOS? One that also supports macOS! With the latest version of rollbar-ios (v1.8.1), Rollbar now supports crash monitoring for macOS. You can use Rollbar to monitor, triage, and debug crashes and errors on both iOS and macOS. What else, you ask? We’re excited about some significant improvements for both iOS and macOS. Read on for the details. Real-time crash monitoring & debugging for macOS

Security Strategies for Mitigating IoT Botnet Threats

As DevSecOps continues to redefine the IT security landscape, security is becoming everyone’s responsibility. That means that staying ahead of the latest cybersecurity threats—such as IoT botnets—should be a priority for every DevOps professional. To help you do that, this article discusses strategies for combating IoT botnets.