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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Improving IoT security with log management

The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has set the beginning of a new age of data transfer. Each day, a massive number of new devices get added to all kinds of network infrastructures, transferring gargantuan amounts of data back and forth. In the next decade, we expect the number of IoTs to grow to a staggering 80 billion connected devices – practically outnumbering the human population tenfold.

Android 10 - Everything You Need to Know

If you own a Google Pixel smartphone (or one of a couple of other models) Android’s latest update is finally here. If you own another model of Android smartphone then you’ll have to wait a little longer, but that’s nom de rigueur for the operating system. Dubbed Android 10, the new update has abandoned the usual confectionary based naming scheme in favour of a straight numbering system – possibly following Windows’ and Apple’s lead.

Scout Now Partnering With API Management Leader DreamFactory

At Scout, we pride ourselves in building a tool that is focused on the developers’ ability to quickly identify performance issues within their applications so they can fix them and resume building the fun stuff. DreamFactory is a robust role-based access tool to help you with API creation and management needs.

A humble and sincere 'thank you' to our open source community

Since our inception, open source contributions have been integral to our business and success. This October, as we participated in the great Hacktoberfest event, organized by Digital Ocean and hosted by GitHub and this month as we host our own hackathon event, we reflect upon and appreciate our community.

Machine learning for cybersecurity: only as effective as your implementation

We recently launched Elastic Security, combining the threat hunting and analytics tools from Elastic SIEM with the prevention and response features of Elastic Endpoint Security. This combined solution focuses on detecting and flexibly responding to security threats, with machine learning providing core capabilities for real-time protections, detections, and interactive hunting. But why are machine learning tools so important in information security? How is machine learning being applied?

Advanced alerting and anywhere alert management for Azure Monitor

Have you ever wanted to get important alerts from Azure Monitor notified on your smartphone and have all the important details of the problem at your fingertips? Have you ever missed the option to easily change the status of alerts from Azure Monitor in the Azure smartphone app? Ever missed a push notification because there was no persistent and advanced alerting? Then this article is for you.

Why K3s Is the Future of Kubernetes at the Edge

By next year the number of connected devices will exceed 20 billion. The vast majority of these devices run on Arm architecture, increasingly at the infrastructure edge. With this growth in mind, the need for an agile, Arm-based development methodology has become increasingly urgent. Arm Neoverse provides the required IP for building the next gen of edge to cloud infrastructure to support the data explosion we are seeing, primarily caused by IoT.