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Good to Great: Best Practices for Remote Management Success

As an IT service provider, you’re likely dealing with all you can handle. The good news is that implementing remote management is not one more thing on your to-do list; rather, it’s an essential tool for getting tasks off your list more quickly. This post will provide an overview of remote management solutions, essential components of a good, reliable solution, and best practices that will help you get the most out of your implementation.

How to launch games that don't crash (often)

Building and supporting a video game project is challenging. It is a complex and intricate process that balances difficult time constraints and ambitious goals while keeping a highly engaged and demanding user base happy. Game developers need every advantage possible in the development and support process to succeed. One of the best ways to ensure that a game is successful is to make sure that every shipped version of the game project contains as few crash-causing defects as possible.

Integrate RabbitMQ with Logic Apps using Azure Functions

Unfortunately, no Logic App connector can make the bridge to RabbitMQ, which makes this integration challenge a little bit more complicated. However, we have the ability to create an Azure Function by using the RabbitMQ trigger for Azure Functions to overcome this limitation. The purpose of this POC is to receive a message in a RabbitMQ queue, and that event triggers an Azure Function, which fires a Logic App.

Track Errors in Fastify with AppSignal

Fastify is a cutting-edge web framework for Node.js that offers exceptional speed and efficiency. With its extensible plugin system, support for asynchronous programming, and focus on minimalism, it is an ideal choice for backend developers developing Node.js applications. But even the most performant web applications can encounter issues that are difficult to debug without the proper tools in place. We will explore how to use AppSignal for a Fastify application.

Understanding Battery Performance of IoT Devices

I’ve been a firmware engineer at two wearable companies in the past, Pebble and Fitbit, and there was always one class of customer support tickets and user complaints that never went away: issues around battery life. It was a constant game of whack-a-mole with every new firmware version introducing a battery regression.

ITIL vs ITSM: Explained for Professionals

IT professionals always search for the most efficient and cost-effective solutions, methods, and best practices. The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) are related guidelines that can help in this pursuit. Both ITIL and ITSM revolve around providing IT services. Although they prioritize and attend to different things, ultimately, their goal is to improve both efficiency and efficacy. Read more about ITIL vs. ITSM below.

Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service

In the constantly evolving world of technology, managing containerized applications at a scale that can match growing business demands is a challenging task. Microsoft, however, has emerged as a leader in this field, offering the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). AKS is a managed container orchestration service that provides a rich and robust platform for developers to deploy, scale, and manage their applications.

210% ROI: unlocking the economic value of FireHydrant for incident management

In the fast-paced high-tech industry, efficient incident management is a critical factor in maintaining brand reputation, employee morale, and most importantly, your bottom line. Good practices can result in reduced downtime, increased learning opportunities from incidents, and an enhanced reputation among both the engineering community and customers. But quantifying the true cost of incidents has always been a challenge — until now.

Application Observability: A critical priority to optimize application performance and accelerate innovation

Research published by Cisco AppDynamics highlights the challenges that IT teams are facing in managing application availability and performance within hybrid IT environments. The new report, The Age of Application Observability, reveals the levels of complexity that technologists are encountering as they implement cloud native technologies alongside existing on-premises applications and infrastructure.