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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

What you need to know about Process Ghosting, a new executable image tampering attack

Security teams defending Windows environments often rely on anti-malware products as a first line of defense against malicious executables. Microsoft provides security vendors with the ability to register callbacks that will be invoked upon the creation of processes on the system. Driver developers can call APIs such as PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx to receive such events.

Securing Modern Applications and APIs: Whose Job Is It, Anyway?

When an end user thinks of a modern application, they expect a user-friendly offering, one that works on any device, from any location, and that delivers constant innovation. To deliver on that expectation, under the hood there are a large number of distributed components (and micro-components) running heterogeneous workloads on hybrid environments.

Bad guys are watching for new openings in your cloud, are you?

You see the headlines, and perhaps, ‘thank goodness it wasn’t us’ flickers through your mind. An overly permissive web server exposes 100 million+ consumer credit applications, or an S3 bucket leaves hundreds of millions of user records open to the public. A nightmare scenario for any CISO and their cloud security team!

Rollbar Integrations: Okta

Integrate Okta with your Rollbar in 5 minutes or less! Save time on administration and increase security by bringing Okta’s world-class authentication and secure access management to your Rollbar account. Rollbar is the leading continuous code improvement platform that proactively discovers, predicts, and remediates errors with real-time AI-assisted workflows. With Rollbar, developers continually improve their code and constantly innovate rather than spending time monitoring, investigating, and debugging.

Adversary emulation with Prelude Operator and Elastic Security

It’s no secret that organisations are up against skilled, relentless and determined adversaries. Security operations teams need to continuously test their detection capabilities by carrying out adversary emulation plans that are made up of varying tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) and track key metrics of their coverage in order to close any existing gaps. There are many tools available for running adversary emulation plans and performing purple team exercises.

LDAP authentication with Sensu Go: troubleshooting & tips (Part 2)

Sensu creator and Developer Advocate Todd Campbell recently wrote about using LDAP authentication for single-sign on (SSO) with Sensu Go. That post provided a great overview of Sensu authentication and included some useful LDAP troubleshooting tips. In this post, we'll focus on the Sensu LDAP implementation and explore how SSO/LDAP users are linked to RBAC "profiles" (i.e. Roles and ClusterRoles). We'll also demonstrate how Sensu supports multiple LDAP providers thanks to its groups_prefix feature.

3 Work-From-Anywhere IT Security Pressures

The rate of change in IT is faster than ever. Several trends are helping organizations with their IT initiatives including anywhere operations, cloud adoption, and Internet of Things (IoT). Unfortunately, these trends are causing three major IT security pressures. In this short video, we look at these major IT security challenges and discuss how Teneo’s Work-From-Anywhere solution can help with these fast pace initiatives in today’s changing world. #TeneoGrp