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Deadline to Update PCI SSL & TLS Looms, Are You Ready?

Early internet data communications were enabled through the use of a protocol called HyperText Transmission Protocol (HTTP) to transfer data between nodes on the internet. HTTP essentially establishes the “request-response” rules to be used between a “client” (i.e. web browser) and “server”(computer hosting a website) throughout the session.

Using the Content Match feature to detect website defacement

The Content Match feature has the potential to detect and protect against page defacement, as well as fulfilling a few other handy use-cases. Today we’re going to take you through a few of the most common uses of this feature to help you ensure you are getting the most out of it!

Check output metric extraction with InfluxDB & Grafana

Sensu is an extremely powerful standalone monitoring framework, but the real beauty of Sensu lies in its ability to harmoniously interact with, support, and instrument other tools to create a customized and complete monitoring solution. Take metrics for example: Sensu offers multiple mechanisms to monitor performance metrics such as check output metric extraction and StatsD.

Don't Worry About Your (Con)figure, Have The PI !

Congratulations! You have Foglight installed and it is collecting meaningful performance data. There’s no doubt it is providing a ‘smorgasbord’ of actionable information about your mission-critical environment. Help yourself to delicious servings of baseline data, proactive alerts, and custom dashboards and reports. Now make room for dessert! Foglight is probably best known for its generous helping of PI. PI is an abbreviation for Performance Investigator.

Status page open source vs. paid guide

Over the years here at Statuspage we’ve probably heard every version of the open source vs. paid status page argument. While we’re obviously fans of the SaaS model, we also know there are a lot of advantages to an open source status page for a lot of teams. We’ve even recommended that route to some potential customers we thought would have a better experience hosting their own open source page.

What Slack Downtime Costs, and What We Can Do About It

This morning, though, all of our backlogs were a little harder to sift through thanks to a Slack outage in Europe and the US. To calm down, some of us might have turned to our Google Home or Chromecast to unwind while the outage hours piled up, only to find those were down too! What a morning!Now that Slack is running again, let’s take a moment to reflect on what the outage means and what we can learn from it.

CFEngine 3.12.0 LTS Released

Today we are happy to announce the general availability of CFEngine 3.12.0 LTS! This release has a lot of new features, and we are very excited about all the new possibilities you get with CFEngine 3.12.0 LTS. If you are using the previous LTS, 3.10 you will also benefit from all the new features, improvements and testing of the 3.11 release, which you can read more about in the CFEngine 3.11 release post.