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LPWAN as a communication base for IoT

LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network), also known as LPWA or LPN, is a wireless data transport protocol that is now understood as one of the basic protocols for the implementation of IoT. In order to have a better idea of the relevance of LPWAN we can consider the prediction made by statisca.com of a steady increase in the number of LPWAN devices connected around the world, expecting this number to reach around 3.5 billion devices by 2021.

Honeycomb vs Elastic Stack: It's about priorities

If you’ve been paying attention, you know that although collecting and reviewing metrics and logs is a core part of running a stable and successful service, access to raw events and the ability to search and pivot on any dimension of your production environment, no matter how high-cardinality, is what will help your team debug and troubleshoot new problems and outages more quickly.

Python, JavaScript, .NET, and Rust: Sentry's Unified SDK Updates

Since you’re reading this blog, you’re likely aware of the most critical part of using Sentry: our client SDKs. We shared previously that we were updating Sentry’s SDKs, and now we’re on the verge of those updates becoming the default. This affects a few of our most popular platforms: Python and JavaScript, plus we also threw .NET and Rust into the mix for good measure.

Raygun Application Performance Monitoring is here

When you’re building software, there’s so much to think about — from bugs to how fast your application loads. We’ve got something new to help your development team build better, faster experiences for your users, in less time. Today, we’re releasing Raygun Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for .NET, a new way to visualize and understand your application’s performance on the server-side.

Digital Transformation: Enough Talk, It's Time for Action. Fuel Your Progress with ServiceNow and LogicMonitor

A recent study from Mulesoft shows that 75% of enterprises have moved past the digital transformation planning stage to rolling up their sleeves and diving into implementation. Teams are updating their IT Operations Management (ITOM) strategies, moving more systems and services to the cloud, and automating tedious manual processes that have historically been the root cause of migraines for many people.

Log analytics and dashboarding in Datadog

Achieving optimal performance can be challenging when you depend on separate platforms to monitor service health and to manage your logs. When data about your systems is spread across multiple platforms, investigating issues—and ultimately resolving them—takes longer and requires expertise with more tools. It takes more effort to identify real customer impact, as well as to verify that your responses to an incident are having the desired effect.