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Elastic Observability 8.7: Enhanced observability for synthetic monitoring, serverless functions, and Kubernetes

Elastic Observability 8.7 introduces new capabilities that drive efficiency into the management and use of synthetic monitoring and expand visibility into serverless applications and Kubernetes deployments. These new features allow customers to: Observability 8.7 is available now on Elastic Cloud — the only hosted Elasticsearch offering to include all of the new features in this latest release.

Announcing HAProxy Enterprise 2.7 & HAProxy ALOHA 15

HAProxy Enterprise 2.7 and HAProxy ALOHA 15 are now available. Users of our enterprise-class software load balancer and hardware/virtual load balancer appliance who upgrade to the latest versions will benefit from all the features announced in the community version, HAProxy 2.7, plus the ability to serve applications using HTTP/3 over QUIC. If you want to start the upgrade procedure straight away, go to the upgrade instructions for HAProxy Enterprise and HAProxy ALOHA.

Splunk Synthetics in Observability Terraform Provider Released

“How do you know your web properties and APIs are up and functioning as expected for users, not just nationally, but across the entire planet?“ Splunk Synthetic Monitoring provides an effective solution to monitor and track the reliability of web properties from locations all over the globe. By generating simulated user or API requests with Splunk Synthetics you’ll quickly be able to measure response times from various locations, devices, and connection types.

Charmed Kubeflow 1.7 is now available

Canonical, the publisher of Ubuntu, announced today the general availability of Charmed Kubeflow 1.7. Charmed Kubeflow is an open-source, end-to-end MLOps platform that can run on any cloud, including hybrid cloud or multi-cloud scenarios. This latest release offers the ability to run serverless machine learning workloads and perform model serving, regardless of the framework that professionals use.

Announcing our improved Slack integration

Slack is one of the most widely used messaging Apps, providing collaboration and chat solutions to businesses. We at Squadcast understand that most of your work happens over Slack. Hence, we have made improvements to our Slack integration capabilities by introducing a bunch of UI and functional improvements. This blog will give you an overview of the latest improvements supported by this integration, which we hope will help in better collaboration and Incident Management.

PagerDuty Announces New Automation Enhancements That Simplify Operations Across Distributed and Zero Trust Environments

Be sure to register for the launch webinar on Thursday, March 30th to learn more about the latest release from the PagerDuty Operations Cloud. Rundeck by PagerDuty has long helped organizations bridge operational silos and automate away IT tasks so teams can focus more time on building and less time putting out fires. And while this mission still rings true today, our vision is to extend this reality and revolutionize all operations while continuing to build trust.