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Messaging is now mainstream: Salesforce's acquisition of Slack

The internet is changing all aspects of business communication, and with more of us than ever working remotely, it’s a change that is accelerating. Messaging—the ability to synchronously communicate with teams, coordinating work and workflows—is at the center of this new mode of day-to-day business life. The importance of messaging tools—like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Mattermost—is well-known to those who have already made this shift.

Verizon and Ribbon's Partnership Advances Industry Standards for STIR/SHAKEN

On October 1, 2020, the FCC invited comments from the telecommunications industry to ascertain progress on implementing Caller ID Authentication. Verizon’s reply underscored the extensive amount of time and effort its team(s) have put in, yielding substantial progress.

Introducing Blameless Runbook Documentation

At Blameless, our mission is to provide teams with the tools they need to operationalize SRE and embrace a culture of resilience. We help teams automate toil and adopt best practices across integrated incident management, comprehensive retrospectives, service level objectives, reliability insights, and more. We are very excited to announce that teams now have a new tool in their tool belts with our latest launch. Blameless Runbook Documentation is now available for early access.

The latest Nexthink Release is All About Proactive IT

The latest Nexthink release has rolled out, with a wide range of features to support the ongoing Nexthink mission – driving proactive, continuous management of digital employee experience across your entire estate. Our recent focus has been on building out virtualization support in the platform, continuing to enhance optimization of management workflows, and making employee engagement more powerful and accessible than ever before. Let’s take a deeper look at what’s new!

AWS Announces New EC2 Instances and EBS Volume - Spot by NetApp Delivers Support Right Away

As in years past, re:Invent is where AWS announces many new features, services and enhancements. This year is no exception and here at Spot by NetApp we are proud of our product and engineering groups for delivering immediate and full support in relevant areas such as the new GP3 EBS volume and new EC2 instance types – D3, D3en, R5b and M5zn.

Something Else To Be Thankful For: Splunk Security Essentials 3.2.2

Well, it’s been a while since you read a blog dedicated to the latest release – okay, the latest several releases – of Splunk Security Essentials (SSE). We have been busy behind the scenes, however, so let’s catch you up on SSE’s latest features, which include the new version of our content API, and externally with updates from MITRE and the release of ATT&CK v7.2 (with Sub-Techniques) and ATT&CK v8.

VMware Pivotal Labs Joins the AWS Partner Network as a Consulting Partner

We’re thrilled to announce that VMware Pivotal Labs is now an AWS Partner Network (APN) Consulting Partner for app modernization and software development. VMware Pivotal Labs is the software consulting arm of VMware Tanzu, itself a long-time Advanced AWS Technology Partner.

A Strong Performer in End-User Experience Management in The Forrester New Wave, Q4 2020

Catchpoint has been recognized as a Strong Performer in the emerging field of end-user experience management (EUEM) by Forrester Research in The Forrester New Wave™: End-User Experience Management, Q4 2020. The Forrester New Wave report aims to help I&O professionals identify the right partner for their EUEM needs.

AWS Control Tower and Cloud Cost Management

With over 1 million customers and over 14 years of experience working with them, Amazon Web Services has some real insight into best practices and technologies for setting up and running secure, well governed cloud deployments. The recently launched AWS Control Tower puts this knowledge to use providing companies with a quick and simple way to securely set up complex, multi-account environments for rapid, yet fully controlled growth and innovation.