Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

July 2024

Carbon Capture Technology in Power Plants: Why It is the Future

The world around us is currently grappling with the escalating crisis of climate change. Under such circumstances, reducing carbon emissions has become a critical priority for all of us. One promising solution to this pressing issue that we face is carbon capture technology. This technology aims to capture and store carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from various sources, particularly power plants.

In-App Wiki - Built-in Knowledge Repository | Turbo360

Turbo360 provides a built-in knowledge repository through Wiki, allowing users to create informative articles. Michael Stephenson walks through this new feature in Turbo360. The in-app Wiki helps create and manage knowledge base information directly within Turbo360, making it easier for support teams to access and share information. Key points covered include: The goal of Wiki is to reduce the number of support tickets escalating to the development team by empowering L1 and L2 support teams with better resources.

E5: Explore the latest features in ServiceDesk Plus - Masterclass 2024

In the fifth episode of Masterclass 2024, we will explore the latest product updates and enhancements released in the last six months. In this episode, we will walk you through: Auto Upgrade Chat Channels Zia predication role Asset booking Two factor authentication for ESM Custom modules: Sub form and sub entity Insert video and associate solutions in reply Change governor Project settings enhancements Reports: First response violated technician and group.

E5: Explore the latest features in ServiceDesk Plus Cloud - Masterclass 2024

In the fifth episode of Masterclass 2024, we will explore the latest product updates and enhancements released in the last six months. In this episode, we will walk you through: Request sharing Zia auto-approval Live chat enhancement Fine-grained asset access Workflows for core ITSM practices ChatGPT integration By the end of this episode, you will be well versed with the latest capabilities and enhancements released in ServiceDesk Plus Cloud and able to leverage them to revamp your service delivery operations.

SimpleTalks Podcast | Episode 1 - The power of community events and networking

In this episode of Simple Talks, Steve, Ryan and Grant delve into the latest happenings in their world of travel and events. From major conferences to smaller user groups, here’s an overview of recent and upcoming events such as PASS Data Community Summit, PGConf, THAT conference, Data Grillen and local developer meetups. They discuss key takeaways, the impact these gatherings have on the industry and the benefits of building a diverse professional network and how it can open doors to new opportunities.

MSP Tools: Lower Price Doesn't Always Equal Higher Value

We all love a bargain—who wouldn’t? But not all great deals are good for business. As tempting as it might be to take advantage of a special product promotion that is being marketed towards us, sometimes it is necessary to take a step back and spend time really thinking about what the ramifications of switching to the lower-priced product could entail.

The Top 8 Kafka Monitoring Tools

Apache Kafka has risen as a pivotal element in modern distributed systems, transforming data processing, storage, and distribution across diverse applications. Kafka, developed by Kafka, is an open-source distributed event streaming platform. It is designed to efficiently manage high volumes of real-time data, acting as a distributed messaging system.

MongoDB use cases for automotive industry

The automotive industry is a vast and complex sector that includes all companies and activities involved in manufacturing vehicles or their components (such as engines, electronic control units (ECUs) and bodies). However, this sector is growing even more, as it experiences a technological revolution driven by new technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics.

What Is a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)?

Most businesses are aware that protecting sensitive data and maintaining robust cybersecurity measures is more critical than ever. Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) offer specialized services to help businesses safeguard their networks from cyber threats. By outsourcing security management to an MSSP, companies can benefit from expert monitoring, threat detection, and rapid incident response, ensuring their data remains secure.

CapEx vs OpEx: Which Should You Choose for IT Budgeting?

Effective IT budgeting is essential for modern businesses aiming to allocate resources efficiently, support strategic goals, and maintain financial health. In the realm of IT budgeting, understanding the distinction between Capital Expenditures (CapEx) and Operating Expenditures (OpEx) is crucial for making informed financial decisions. This article delves into CapEx vs OpEx, highlighting their differences, benefits, drawbacks, and how to choose the right approach for your IT needs.

What is WMI Provider Host?

Windows Instrument Management (WMI) Provider Host — or WmiPrvSE.exe — is a legitimate and essential component for keeping your computer’s various applications and systems running effectively. This process is part of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Microsoft built WMI management tools into each Windows version starting with NT 3.1.