Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

July 2024

How To Budget For vCISOs Services: A Comprehensive Guide

In this digital age, it's impossible to say enough about how important safety is. As cyber threats get smarter, companies of all kinds are looking for professional help to protect their data and assets. This can be done with the help of a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO). vCISOs provide strategic, specialized cybersecurity leadership on a part-time or contract basis. They are a cost-effective way for businesses to get top-level security expertise without hiring a full-time executive.

How Software Can Help Forex Traders

The ever-evolving world of foreign exchange (Forex) trading has been significantly enhanced by the advent of sophisticated software tools. In this fast-paced market, where currency values fluctually rapidly, the right software can be the difference between profit and loss. For traders, keeping abreast of technological advancements is not just beneficial, it's essential. Software aids in analysis, trade execution, and even in developing and testing strategies. Below, we explore various aspects of trading software and how it can assist traders in navigating the complexities of the Forex market.

Cloud Computing Solutions for Scalable Growth and Global Expansion

Are you looking to scale your business and expand globally? Welcome to the club! In today's fast-paced world, cloud computing has emerged as a game-changer for businesses aiming to achieve scalable growth and global expansion. But what exactly is cloud computing? Cloud computing, at its core, is the delivery of computing services-servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence-over the internet, or "the cloud." This enables faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.

Top 7 Features to Consider for Office Security Locks

In today's fast-paced business environment, ensuring the protection of sensitive information and valuable assets is of utmost importance. When selecting file cabinet locks to safeguard your office space, choosing appropriate file cabinet locks is of equal importance - these will not only safeguard confidential documents but will also contribute towards creating a safer workplace environment.

The Crucial Role of Accurate Monitoring in Ensuring Hydrogen Safety

Hydrogen is increasingly recognized as a pivotal element in the transition to sustainable energy sources. Its potential applications range from powering fuel cells in electric vehicles to serving as an alternative fuel for industrial processes. However, the properties that make hydrogen a valuable energy resource also present significant safety challenges. Being the smallest and lightest molecule, hydrogen is highly flammable and can escape easily through the tiniest of leaks. Therefore, accurate and continuous monitoring of hydrogen is essential to ensure safety and mitigate any risks associated with its use.

Exploring GitLens: 12 Features to Enhance Your VS Code Setup

As a full-stack developer working on complex web applications, I often face challenges with tracking code changes, understanding commit histories, and managing branches. GitLens for VS Code has completely changed how I handle these tasks. It helps me quickly identify who made changes, when they were made, and why, all without leaving my editor, saving me countless hours of digging through commit logs and trying to piece together a project’s history.

Feature Friday #17: Tags for inventory and reporting

Let’s talk about tags and how they can be useful for Inventory and Reporting. If you have been following along with the Feature Friday series you already heard about using tags to find currently defined classes, variables and bundles, but they are also very useful for reporting. In CFEngine Enterprise the inventory and attribute_name tags are special. A variable or class tagged with inventory becomes visible in the Inventory subsystem in Mission Portal with the name given in the attribute_name tag.

How to customize your Loki deployment with Ansible

Michal Vaško is a DevOps engineer at cloudWerkstatt, with a passion for open source technology and a deep love for observability. While operations or platform teams have long relied on visibility into metrics to react swiftly, the idea of doing the same thing with logs was once just a dream. Thankfully, Grafana Loki has revolutionized the logging stack, giving you the same level of visibility with logs that you get with metrics.

What is the Well-Architected Cloud Test Suite?

When it comes to reliability, cloud providers use a Shared Responsibility Model. In essence, they’ll keep the infrastructure reliable, while you’re responsible for architecting reliability into your systems. To help make this easier, they’ve published a variety of best practice guides, such as the AWS Well-Architected Framework. These lengthy documents are filled with recommendations to help you architect a more secure, more reliable system.