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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

GitHub Browser check synchronization goes into public beta

One of our goals here at Checkly is to make it easier for developers to ship excellent software. But let’s face it, getting features out is only a tiny fraction of the story. Fast-moving development teams also break things. And the more things you build, the more things can go wrong. And trust me, they will. This is where API and end-to-end monitoring helps. Define automated test suites that check all your properties constantly and guarantee that everything’s up and running. All the time.

Performance Monitoring with API

If you are in a room with 20 engineers and you ask, “explain what an API is to a non-technical person”, you will get 20 different analogies. An API is like the on button to your TV connecting you to a variety of shows and systems, or an API is like a waiter taking your order and serving you from the kitchen. An API is like a library card catalog, or it’s simply a tool that connects you to other tools.

One-stop Open Source Observability is now a reality with Log Management in SigNoz - SigNal 15

Welcome back to our monthly product updates - SigNal! Our team shipped some major upgrades to SigNoz last month. We’re elated to share that SigNoz is now available with log management. It’s a major milestone in our journey of democratizing observability for developer teams of all sizes. We also shipped an intuitive alerts builder, attended conferences, and played new games in our Friday chit-chats 🥳 A lot of new open source contributors also helped us in making SigNoz better.

Arize integration with PagerDuty

Streamline Model Monitoring with Integrated Alerts Arize is an ML Observability platform aimed to detect, troubleshoot, and eliminate ML problems faster. Use Arize to monitor your production models and send alerts to PagerDuty when your models deviate from a certain threshold. Arize and PagerDuty help keep your teams in the loop, send more comprehensive metadata through alerts, and debug your models faster than ever before.

Saving bandwidth with delta firmware updates

Firmware update capability has become a must-have for most devices. Whether to add new features after launch, fix bugs, or urgently patch a security hole, firmware updates gives modern teams the flexibility they need to move fast and react to a changing environment. I’ve written at length about firmware updates in the past, including on Interrupt with a Firmware Update Cookbook and a post about code signing, and even recorded a webinar on the topic.

Tensu: An Open Source Text UI for Sensu Go

A Two Sigma engineer explains why we built Tensu, an open source TUI (text user interface)-based program for interacting with Sensu Go’s observability pipeline and backend API. In this article we will be putting a spotlight on Tensu, an open source terminal-based dashboard for interacting with and responding to events from the Sensu Go observability pipeline and backend API.

APIs vs Webhooks: The Key Differences, and When to Use Them in Your Web Apps

Advancements in technology have led to the evolvement of web development, making it necessary for applications to communicate effectively. To meet the rising demand for communication by modern technology, we have to find the right means through which different technologies can communicate. This is where APIs and Webhooks come into play. APIs and Webhooks play a vital role in enabling the relaying and syncing of data between different applications. That notwithstanding, the two work differently and have been designed to serve different functions.
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Datadog & Speedscale: Improve Kubernetes App Performance

By combining traffic replay capabilities from Speedscale with observability from Datadog, SRE Teams can deploy with confidence. It makes sense to centralize your monitoring data into as few silos as possible. With this integration, Speedscale will push the results of various traffic replay conditions into Datadog so it can be combined with the other observability data. Being able to preview application performance by simulating production conditions allows better release decisions. Moreover, a baseline to compare production metrics can provide even earlier signals on degradation and scale problems. Speedscale joined the Datadog Marketplace so customers can shift-left the discovery of performance issues.