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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Designing AI systems: Fundamentals of AI software and hardware

Artificial intelligence is already solving problems in all aspects of our lives, from animation filmmaking and tackling space exploration, to fast food recommendation systems that improve ordering efficiency. These real-world AI systems examples are just the beginning of what is possible in an AI Everywhere future and they are already testing the limits of compute power.

How Events and APIs Enable Modern Real-Time Applications

Instead of just opening up closed-off systems via APIs, many businesses are looking to use event-based triggers as well to react to changes in real time. Competitive pressures are driving the need for new thinking when it comes to developing applications that help a business react in real time. Being able to make real-time decisions based on events is at the heart of those efforts.

A Complete Guide for API endpoint Monitoring

Modern programs run on APIs. In digital transformation efforts, APIs are often the building blocks used to push organizations into the current digital age. For business-critical transactions, most applications, therefore, rely on APIs. Without truly understanding what’s going on behind the scenes with each API endpoint, organizations create blind spots in their performance. Let us see more about API and how important it is to monitor the API, and how we can easily monitor the API endpoint.

Open Source APM Tools

Application performance monitoring software is a basic need for most tech-related companies in the world. APM software is built by tech companies to help in the performance management of the application. Open Source APM tools are those whose source code is publicly accessible. In fact, for any software which is open source, the source code of the application must be publicly accessible on Github or any other website.

The Ultimate Guide To Freeing Up Extra Space Storage on Your Phone

Isn't it funny how you always seem to run out of phone storage at the most inopportune times? It's your kid's graduation, and BOOM, no room for photos. You need to transfer a big presentation file to your phone before class, and POW is no storage. You're about to get on a flight, and you'd like to download a playlist, and NOPE, absolutely zero room left on your phone. Below we've created the ultimate guide to freeing up extra space on your phone.

Kubernetes Load Testing Comparison: Speedscale vs K6

In this article, you’ll be introduced to two different load testing tools that are both able to work with Kubernetes; Speedscale and K6. Throughout this post you’ll be given a comparative view of how each tool performs in five different categories: Ease of setup, developer experience, working with the CLI, creating tests, and integration into CI/CD pipelines.

How to speed up your Playwright scripts with request interception

If you're running hundreds of Playwright scripts in your monitoring infrastructure you know that slow scripts lead to long-running test suites. Every Playwright script should run as quickly as possible. In this video, Stefan explains how to use Playwright's request interception feature to block requests and load websites faster.

How Is Artificial Intelligence Changing Every Business? 6 Interesting Things You Should Know

While AI has connotations of futuristic societal takeovers, as depicted in sci-fi, the technology tends to enhance rather than replace human capabilities. Artificial intelligence refers to any computer software capable of problem-solving, planning, analyzing, and aggregating data in a human-like fashion. From cost efficiency to customer communication, businesses can use AI to streamline most aspects of company processes. Let's take a look at 6 interesting things you need to know about how artificial intelligence is changing businesses today.