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Why a hyperautomation strategy requires upskilling workers

In a fast-evolving world, adopting a hyperautomation strategy is the best way to future-proof your workplace. But how does hyperautomation affect your workforce, and what will it mean for the future of your business? Hyperautomation is the combination of intelligent technologies to expand automation. It incorporates AI, machine learning, robotic process automation (RPA), integration, document processing, and more.

Enable AI powered IT operations without any hassles

In this digital era, with the explosion of data and increasing complexity of IT infrastructures, organizations are struggling to manage their IT operations. By leveraging the cumulative power of AI and ML, AI for IT operations (AIOps) can ease the burden and help enterprises achieve a proactive operational state.

The use of push service in the modern digital landscape

Think about a mysterious courier who can provide timely, customized news and exclusive offers with the tap of a pocket. What a wonderful place push service is! It's like a magical lamp where you may wish for updates on your favorite applications and websites, and out-of-this-world deals and announcements will magically appear. With a flick of its digital wand, the push service keeps you informed and surprises you with relevant news.

Revolutionizing the Auto Sector: How Technology is Replacing Traditional Methods

Technology is everywhere, and the automobile industry is no different. From the early days of horseless carriages to the advent of electric and self-driving cars, technological advancements have transformed every facet of the auto sector. In this article, we will shed some light on the automotive landscape. We will also explore how technology is replacing traditional methods with innovative solutions for a safer and more efficient future of transportation.

The main content and activities in Diablo 4 available to newcomers

The final stage of active testing has recently ended and players can now fully rush to the open servers of the Diablo 4 world and start pumping their tested heroes, go through new difficulty levels and acts, knock out or order d4 power leveling, participate in PVP, clear dungeons and act bosses, interact with other players and attack fortresses.

How to Instrument a Legacy Mule App with OpenTelemetry

In the previous article, we talked about Distributed Tracing with MuleSoft APIs using OpenTelemetry. In this post, we’ll go through the process of integrating Distributed Tracing with MuleSoft APIs using OpenTelemetry via a proxy server. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how we can instrument a legacy mule app with open telemetry without making changes to the existing app. Here, we’re showing an example of getting data from a header as well as a query parameter.

Creating Databases, Schemas, and Tables on pgAdmin

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of creating databases, schemas, and tables on pgAdmin, a powerful GUI tool for managing PostgreSQL databases. Whether you're new to pgAdmin or seeking to enhance your database administration skills, this video provides a comprehensive guide to efficiently create and organize your database structures. We'll also highlight the seamless integration of pgAdmin with Aiven's PostgreSQL service, enabling you to leverage Aiven's reliable and scalable infrastructure while utilizing pgAdmin's intuitive interface.

The promise - and the perils - of GitHub Copilot

There’s been a lot of talk about GitHub Copilot recently, loudly touted as Your AI pair programmer. According to GitHub, Copilot for Business brings the power of generative AI to engineering teams, accelerating the speed of software development and innovation. At the back end is OpenAI Codex, a modified version of the GPT-3 Large Language Model (LLM) used in ChatGPT. At the front end it integrates with code editors like Visual Studio and JetBrains to automatically generate code.

Using the Graphite API for Beginners

Application Programming Interface, or API, is an important element to consider when you design an online product or platform. Well-designed API is equivalent to a well-designed user interface for enterprise customers. When you implement an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, your product can retain and attract more users.

How to Rebuild Your Tech Business After a Natural Disaster

Natural disasters can strike unexpectedly, leaving businesses devastated in their wake. As a tech entrepreneur, the aftermath of such an event can be particularly challenging, considering the reliance on advanced technology and infrastructure. However, with careful planning and strategic action, it is possible to rebuild your tech business and emerge stronger than ever. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore key steps and considerations to navigate the recovery process effectively, focusing on various aspects such as water restoration, infrastructure recovery, data retrieval, employee support, community engagement, and long-term resilience.