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Why "good reply game" matters in open source communities

Communities of all sorts, including open source communities, boil down to the daily interactions we have with one another. What we call “the community” emerges from a series of utterances and responses, which gives rise to relationships and networks. This makes “good reply game” essential to create, sustain, and grow an open source community.

Technological Advances in Laser Engraving: How AI and Automation Are Changing the Game

Laser engraving has evolved rapidly over the past several years, driven by leaps in technological development. Notably, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation technologies is revolutionising the industry, enhancing efficiency, precision, and innovation in previously unimaginable ways. In this article, we explore how AI and automation are setting new standards in laser engraving, offering unique benefits to consumers and businesses alike.

How to Extract Numerical Values from API Responses

Extracting numerical values from public or private JSON API responses can help you track and analyze data, easily spot trends, and alert on data that is important to your business. If you can passively have this information periodically come to you and if you can receive alert notifications when certain conditions are met, you can avoid checking each metric manually and – obviously – save a ton of time. Synthetic monitoring tools let you do these things automatically.

How to Periodically Extract Webpage Performance Metrics from Browser API

To ensure a good end user experience, smart businesses periodically gather performance data from their websites. They measure the responsiveness and speed of their services to ensure fast and reliable websites. Having a responsive and fast website improves companies’ conversion rates, keeps their reputation intact, and helps increase traffic and revenue. Website monitoring applications help determine whether the website achieves the desired response times and uptimes.

Special report: Putting GenAI to work in the enterprise

Generative AI (GenAI) is on track to be the most powerful technology of our time. As such, it’s created quite a buzz. “Generative AI has awakened people's imagination for AI,” explains ServiceNow Chief Information Officer Chris Bedi. “AI has been around for a long time. People use machine learning models, but they couldn't feel and touch it like generative AI.

An Introduction to the OWASP API Security Top 10

If you ever watched Stargate, then you have some understanding of how application programming interfaces (APIs) work. While APIs don’t give you the ability to traverse the galaxy using an alien wormhole, they do act as digital portals that allow data to travel between applications. However, as sensitive data moves from one application to another, each API becomes a potential access point that threat actors can exploit.