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Crash Reporting

Getting started with Raygun Crash Reporting using Raygun4Android

Building native mobile apps can be a daunting challenge. Even if you ignore the choice of building separate iOS/Android apps or using cross-platform technology, writing native apps is hard. The development process of native apps involves a lot of testing and debugging. While the app is still under initial development this usually happens on test devices of the developers or dedicated testers. When problems arise or the app crashes, these incidents are often observable and can be debugged.

Close the Loop with User Feedback

Everyone’s software crashes. As an engineer, you don’t feel your users’ frustration unless they reach out to customer support, write bad reviews, or tweet about it. This feedback is often lacking relevant information to resolve the issue. In some cases, you can re-engage with the customer, but that process is time-consuming and inefficient. Another option would be to examine the crash reports, but sometimes they don’t give sufficient insight to fix the problem.

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How tech leaders are prioritizing customer experience

The Tech Leaders' Tour is a series of events bringing tech leaders together to learn from each other about improving software quality and customer experience. This one was special because we are able to hold it in-person, in one of our favorite cities - Auckland, NZ, where there are no social distancing rules at the time of writing. In today's climate, technology companies are faced with many challenges. But one thing should remain the same - the focus on delivering value to the customer.

Debug JavaScript in Firefox in 7 easy steps

This article will focus on debugging JavaScript code within Firefox’s Developer Tools. The Dev Tools within Firefox are extremely powerful which will speed up finding and fixing bugs. We’ll be using Raygun Crash Reporting to find the stack trace and the line of code the error occurred on. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial here. So, let’s dive in!

New Feature: Number of Users Affected by a Crash

We've just released a way to track the number of users affected by a crash! If you navigate to the Summary page, you'll now see a column labeled 'Users Affected’, this column shows how many unique users have been affected for each row in the crash summary table. With the data provided by this new column, you’ll have additional information available for prioritizing fixes. The ‘Count’ column is unchanged, and reports the total number of crashes reported by all users.