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Server Monitoring with Logz.io and the ELK Stack

In a previous article, we explained the importance of monitoring the performance of your servers. Keeping tabs on metrics such as CPU, memory, disk usage, uptime, network traffic and swap usage will help you gauge the general health of your environment as well as provide the context you need to troubleshoot and solve production issues.

Monitoring and Administration? System Centre Operations Manager or Microsoft SCOM

Microsoft SCOM is an advertised software for Microsoft Windows® administration, but today we will show you that its base rests on well known monitoring techniques. Just to be clear, we emphasize the term in bold: Microsoft System Centre Operations Manager ®.

Browser Automation: Using the Gmail API to Retrieve MFA Codes

In a separate article, we introduced the concept of performing synthetic transactions with LogicMonitor to ensure website services are up and running correctly. It may be necessary to authenticate with a website before you can fully monitor it, and authentication may require presenting an MFA code that has been delivered via email. Let’s take this a step further and incorporate an MFA (Multifactor Authentication) Challenge.

The Anatomy of a Serverless App

Serverless has, for the last year or so, felt like an easy term to define: code run in a highly managed environment with (almost) no configuration of the underlying computer layer done by your team. Fair enough, but what is is a serverless application? A Lambda isn’t an app by itself, heck, it can’t even communicate with the world outside of Amazon Web Services (AWS) by itself, so there must be more to a serverless app than that.

February product updates. Anomaly detection, incident management and better UX

This past couple of month were a bit hectic and there’s a good reason behind that. We’ve set out to create a better experience for our users, and it’s exactly what we did! Besides making a lot of quality-of-life changes, we’ve introduced new features that we think, will speed up the speed at which you’ll debug your applications and give you a whole new perspective on all things AWS Lambda.

Search Relevance - Solr & Elasticsearch Similarities

Lucene has a lot of options for configuring similarity. By extension, Solr and Elasticsearch have the same options. Similarity makes the base of your relevancy score: how similar is this document (actually, this field in this document) to the query? I’m saying the base of the score because, on top of this score, you can apply per-field boosts, function scoring (e.g. boost more recent documents) and re-ranking (e.g. Learning to Rank).

Tracking insider threats with AI

If you thought masked hackers in dark rooms spreading malware were your only security concern, think again. In its Insider Threat Report for 2018, Crowd Research Partners brought to light that almost 90 percent of organizations find themselves vulnerable to insider threats. What’s worse is that 50 percent of these organizations experienced an insider attack in 2018.