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Webinar Recap: Force Multiply Your Security Operations Teams with Cribl LogStream

We hosted a webinar a few weeks back on using Cribl LogStream to make your security operations more scalable, efficient, and cost-effective. The turnout was fantastic and, while we answered most of the audience’s questions live, we couldn’t get to all of them. So I’ll go through the questions we couldn’t get to and offer some answers. Along the way, I’ll also share the results of two polling questions we asked during the webinar.

3 ways automation can improve ITSM and customer service

IT service management (ITSM)—the management and support of IT services—is vital for good customer service. It encompasses problem management, incident management, change and release management, and service-level management. Because it’s an integral part of customer service, it’s important to keep it optimized and streamlined. Here are three ways automation can help with those efforts.

Launching a labor of love, Kentik Market Intelligence

When it comes to the internet, understanding the global ecosystem can be tough. There’s a lot of manual work that service providers and digital businesses have traditionally put into finding the best way to reach customers over IP networks. And more work is needed for benchmarking against competitors and finding the best relationships for peering.

Making a More Accessible navigation

I’m Tim, a Product Design Manager at LogDNA. My team is responsible for creating a beautiful and easy-to-navigate user interface so that you can easily access, and gain value from, your logs. We’ve been working on making our product’s navigation more accessible and are rolling out a mixture of subtle and more noticeable changes.

Ask Miss O11y: Making Sense of OpenTelemetry-Tracer and TracerProvider

OpenTelemetry is a strong standard for instrumentation because it is built of careful, well-thought-out abstractions created by experts in the space. OpenTelemetry feels painful to start using because it’s full of abstractions that make sense to experts in the space. For a developer who wants to think about their own software and not spend a month becoming an expert in telemetry, this is hard. For high-level conceptual description, there’s the OpenTelemetry specification.

Integration Options with SIGNL4

SIGNL4 integrates with various backend systems like IT monitoring, service management, IoT systems, sensors, etc. to automatically alert users and teams about certain incidents. A list of selected tools along with integration descriptions is available in our integrations section. How can you integrate SIGNL4 with your own tools? In the following we list some options offering different levels of sophistication.

Monitor SAP NetWeaver with Agentil's offering in the Datadog Marketplace

SAP delivers a suite of solutions for managing business operations, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and supply chain management. Many of these solutions, including SAP S/4HANA, run on top of the SAP NetWeaver application development and integration platform. Enterprises and SAP managed providers often operate hundreds or even thousands of SAP NetWeaver systems, and Agentil provides a centralized, low-overhead way to monitor their entire fleet.

Synthetic testing: A definition and how it compares to Real User Monitoring

Performance monitoring is critical for a healthy software application. If you don’t have synthetic testing or real user monitoring in place, opportunities for performance optimizations are slipping through the cracks. With the guidance of a monitoring tool, on the other hand, you could be fixing problems such as slow-loading pages within the hour. The two main types of application monitoring are Real User Monitoring (RUM) and synthetic testing (or synthetic monitoring).

Interoperability a long way off as enterprises target multicloud

Clouds remain segmented, leaving businesses little recourse for how to best navigate complexity. The multicloud movement has flavors to it. Intentional or accidental, an enterprise can blend a kaleidoscope of infrastructure services with existing software tools. IaaS requirements can tag along with SaaS adoption, easily creating a multicloud environment before technology teams can consider the sprawl.

What is Web3 Technology: A Promising New Internet or a Naive Pipe Dream?

What the heck is Web3 and why is everyone and their mother talking about it? In short, Web3 is a decentralized web-based on blockchain technology. What that means, how Web3 actually functions, and what it means for the future of the internet is a bit more complicated… To understand what makes Web3 so special and so different, we first need to understand why it's called “Web3” and what came online before it.