Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


5 Essential Things Every FinOps Team Needs

Every time your company onboards a new client or releases a new product, your cloud bill will grow. In fact, it doesn’t take a large event at all to see a spike. Whenever your company changes direction even slightly, it can affect the bottom line. Add to that factors such as economic inflation and increased demand for high-speed, high-power cloud services, and it may seem like each month’s cloud bill is higher than it was before. If that’s the case for you, you’re not alone.

Continuous Monitoring: 5 Tools to Give You Peace of Mind

If you’re part of the DevOps, SecDevOps, or IT team, you would agree that continuous monitoring of the entire IT systems and networks is vital. And this explains why 70% of businesses treat preventing downtime as a priority to avoid causing significant issues in the future. So monitoring your IT infrastructure constantly with a continuous monitoring plan is one way of improving efficiency and productivity.

Platform Engineering 101: Origins, Goals, DevOps vs SRE & Best Practices

Platform engineering is the practice of automating infrastructure operations and enabling self-service infrastructure capabilities within collaborative Dev, Ops and QA teams. It involves designing and building platforms, technologies and workflows that enable self-service capabilities to automatically manage, provision and operate complex modern software architecture environments.

ITSM and monitoring: A match made in IT heaven

It has been a veeeeery long time since we discussed a technical concept from an ingenious allegory. Many people send us emails asking us why, and we have to admit that… it’s true, everything is quite more fun with fantastic allegories. So be it then! At the request of our fans. Let’s talk today about ITSM and Monitoring Support through an invented event from which we can then draw a technical lesson.

New APM Capabilities Help Optimize Application Performance Across Monoliths or Microservices

With the goal of helping you get to the “why” faster, Splunk Observability recently announced several new enhancements to reduce noise and provide more visibility when isolating problems in your environments. Specific to applications and services, whether you operate monolithic or microservices architectures our releases help you easily investigate problems in complex environments. Here’s a roundup of the recent Splunk APM capability releases, and helpful links to help get started now.

Frontend vs. backend: How to plan your performance testing strategy

There are many aspects of application performance, but they broadly fall into two categories: frontend performance and backend performance. As a tester, it’s important to know the differences between the two and how that impacts the way you approach your tests. In this blog, I’ll provide a high-level overview of frontend performance testing and backend performance testing, including pros and cons of each one.

Introduction to Azure Storage Service Encryption

Microsoft Azure is a leading cloud service provider that offers a wide range of storage solutions. One of its essential features is the Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) which helps organizations protect their data at rest. This article will dive deep into the world of Azure Storage Service Encryption, discussing various encryption types, their applications, and best practices for implementing encryption in your Azure storage accounts.

New DKP Gov Kubernetes Management Platform Sets the Government Standard

D2iQ is excited to announce the introduction of DKP Gov, a new solution optimized for the government sector. DKP Gov addresses the needs of government military and civilian agencies that are under continual pressure to innovate and adopt new technologies to keep pace with technology advances and gain strategic and tactical advantages.

8-Step Guide to Customer Journey Mapping in 2023

A customer journey is a complete experience a customer has with a business. It includes all customer interactions across channels and touchpoints, throughout every stage of the customer lifecycle – from awareness to retention and loyalty. Image Source: SuperOffice But what is the difference between the customer journey and the customer experience? The customer journey is what customers do at each step of the customer lifecycle.

When Slow is Not an Option: How to Improve & Troubleshoot Your SAP Speed Performance

SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) is a popular enterprise resource planning (ERP) software used by businesses to manage various operations such as finance, human resources, and supply chain management. As businesses rely on SAP for their critical operations, it is essential that the software performs at an optimal level. Slow SAP performance can result in frustration, delays, and ultimately, reduced productivity.