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Quantum Entangled Observability

As the world of technology continues to evolve, the demand for cutting-edge solutions to monitor and optimize system performance has never been higher. Today, we’re excited to introduce a revolutionary new concept in observability: Quantum Entangled Observability (QEO). This ground-breaking method leverages the peculiar properties of quantum mechanics to provide unparalleled insights into your systems’ inner workings.

Shed Some Light with Meraki Network Monitoring! Don't Be in the Dark

In today's fast-paced business environment, maintaining a reliable and high-performing network is essential. One technology that can help achieve this goal is Meraki SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network), a cloud-based solution that enables organizations to easily manage and optimize their network performance. However, simply deploying SD-WAN is not enough.

Anomaly Detection Using OSquery and Grafana

Detecting unauthorized usage and malicious applications in an instance involves analyzing OS and application logs. Doing this manually is a herculean effort because of the number of logs and the patterns one has to look for. Having a tool that can provide an aggregated view of your instance and the ability to analyze them easily can greatly reduce manual effort.

Redundancy for IT resilience: The backup guide for a disaster-proof network

Around six years ago on a Wednesday morning, software professionals worldwide were startled by a tweet from GitLab stating that they had accidentally deleted their production data, causing their site to go offline. Unfortunately, at that point in time, the open-source code repository giant had no idea that it would take them another 36 hours to restore their systems only to learn that 5,000 projects and 700 new user accounts were affected while they were fixing the outage.

The Guide to SRE Principles

Site reliability engineering (SRE) is a discipline in which automated software systems are built to manage the development operations (DevOps) of a product or service. In other words, SRE automates the functions of an operations team via software systems. The main purpose of SRE is to encourage the deployment and proper maintenance of large-scale systems.

Will SaaS IT Operation Management Ever Rule the World?

SaaS is a cloud-based software licensing model that allows access to data from any device with an internet connection and a web browser. SaaS operations consist of minimizing the cost of unused SaaS products and maximizing their use. Across industries, software as a service has become a more viable option due to its functionality, accessibility, and versatility.

Windows 7 end of life: The end of an era

The end is finally here! After over a decade of being the most chosen Windows version, Windows 7 has reached its end of life. While the OS’s Extended Support ended on Jan. 14, 2020, the Extended Security Updates (ESUs) reached their end of life on Jan. 10, 2023. As we bid farewell to this successor of Windows Vista, and by far one of the most user-friendly OSs, let us take a deep dive into what Windows 7 end of life entails.

World Backup Day-3 Crucial Backup Lessons Learned

It’s World Backup Day! And that means that once again, backup vendors, influencers, and pundits are talking about the importance of backing up your data. Of course, that’s important, as is testing your backups on a regular basis, and making sure you’re adhering to regulatory and security standards in the process. But in the 12 years since World Backup Day began, surely we’ve learned some lessons about how to do backup better?

What is Acceptable Packet Loss? 10% Packet Loss = 100x Slower

Are you familiar with the term "packet loss"? No, it's not when your postman loses your package, but it's when data packets go missing in the vast world of the Internet. And if you think losing just a few packets won't affect your internet speed, think again! Packet loss is a common occurrence in networked applications, and its impact on performance can vary depending on the application and network conditions.