Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


How Much Should Your Observability Stack Cost?

Observability is critical to any software development. It is a term that describes the ability to monitor the performance and health of applications, services, and infrastructure. Observability aims to quickly identify and troubleshoot problems before they become full-blown incidents that can lead to costly downtime. But how much should you invest in an observability stack? Regarding the cost of your observability stack, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

Understanding Azure Blob Storage Pricing: Key Factors, Tradeoffs, and Challenges

Azure Blob Storage is a scalable, cost-effective storage solution provided by Microsoft Azure. It is designed for storing massive amounts of unstructured data, including text, images, videos, and more. One of the key benefits of using Azure Blob Storage is its flexible pricing model, which allows users to pay for only the storage capacity and features they need.

CloudHealth Vs. AWS Cost Explorer: The Definitive Comparison

Both CloudHealth and Cost Explorer have recently rebranded to different degrees. CloudHealth is now VMware Aria Cost Powered by CloudHealth. AWS Cost Explorer received a fresh coat of paint for its user interface. But do these traditional cloud financial management tools offer additional features now? And can the help provide the cost visibility you need to reduce cloud spending and improve profitability?

Google Colab Monitoring with Netdata

Hello, fellow data enthusiasts and Google Colab aficionados! Today, we're going to explore how to monitor your Google Colab instances using Netdata. Colab is a fantastic platform for running Notebooks, developing ML models, and other data science and analytics tasks. But have you ever wondered how your Colab instance is performing under the hood? That's where Netdata comes into play!

Introducing the Netdata demo space

Introducing Netdata's Demo Space, a quick and easy way to experience monitoring environments before you set them up yourself. At Netdata, we are always striving to provide the best monitoring experience for our users. We understand that adopting a new monitoring solution can sometimes be challenging, especially when you're unsure of how it will fit your specific environment. That's why we're excited to announce the Netdata Demo Space!

Intune vs SCCM: A Comparison of Microsoft Solutions

Figuring out which software solution will meet the needs of your organization’s IT environment can be a big challenge. There are many factors to consider before making a final decision, and one of those is to learn what software solutions are available. Intune and SCCM are two Microsoft solutions that help you manage the devices in your IT environment. Find out what each software solution does, how Intune vs SCCM compare to each other , and which one is right for you.

Heroku to AWS Migration Made Easy with Qovery and Cloud303

As businesses grow and evolve, their needs for cloud services change too. This is especially true for companies that start with a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution like Heroku but need more control over their environment and customization options as they scale. This is where Amazon Web Services (AWS) comes in. Migrating from Heroku to AWS can be a complex process, but it allows businesses to scale their infrastructure and customize their environment to meet their specific needs.

How Domain Name Security Helps Prevent DNS Hijacking

You're probably aware of some security best practices to keep your business's digital presence safe. This might include uptime monitoring, security checks, and many others. But what about domain name security? Securing your business's domain name helps prevent commonplace domain hijacking and the associated chaos that comes with this specific type of cybercrime.

MicroK8s is now on AWS marketplace

Everyone knows that MicroK8s is an extremely lightweight, extensible, reliable, CNCF-compliant distribution of Kubernetes. What you didn’t know until now is that it is even easier to install and manage as part of your AWS marketplace experience. First, a quick reminder of why MicroK8s is great: What is new is that MicroK8s is now available on the AWS marketplace, combining all of MicroK8s advantages with the convenience of AWS.

How FireHydrant handled the SVB banking crisis

On Thursday, March 9, 2023, something was afoot at our primary bank, SVB. By Friday, March 10, 2023, messages from our investors helped us quickly understand that FireHydrant needed to maneuver through a complex incident that was unfolding. Operational incidents are incidents like every other.