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The latest News and Information on Log Management, Log Analytics and related technologies.

Yes, Virginia, There is a -Santa Claus- Way to Detect Unemployment Fraud

Fraud rates for Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) are out of control. In May 2020, Brian Krebs of Krebsonsecurity published two articles detailing fraud that was occurring in several different state’s UIB portals. These states had been warned by the US Secret Service to be on the lookout for this. Reading the articles, the common theme is that many states are missing rudimentary controls for combating fraud.

Improve Your Security Posture By Focusing on Velocity, Visibility, and Vectors

In the wake of the widely publicized FireEye breach and the alarming SolarWinds supply chain attack, this presents an ideal opportunity for reflection on the broader shift taking place across the world—the transition from legacy on-prem infrastructures to the cloud.

10 Best Tools for Monitoring Apache Cassandra in 2021

A large amount of data requires special tools. Apache Cassandra is one of those databases that can handle a large amount of data spread among many commodity servers, providing high availability and fault tolerance without a single point of failure. Developed under the umbrella of Apache Software Foundation, it ensures full visibility into the code base and being free of charge.

Splunk Cloud Self-Service: Announcing The New Admin Config Service API

In our last blog, "What's New in Splunk Cloud: Part 1," we reviewed a host of new Splunk Cloud features that we have delivered through our accelerated releases since the beginning of 2020. A large part of this effort focused on empowering Splunk Cloud admins and making their experience as self-service as possible. In this blog, we will examine our latest effort to continue this empowerment: Splunk Cloud’s Admin Configuration Service (ACS).

Ship Your ModSecurity Logs to Logz.io Cloud SIEM

Now, you can ship ModSecurity logs to Logz.io to automatically surface high-priority attacks identified by ModSecurity. Logz.io will automatically parse those logs to project a greater bird’s-eye-view of your security situation within dedicated dashboards. ModSecurity is a prolific web application firewall (WAF) popularly used to help secure web servers. It supports Apache HTTP, IIS, and NGINX. It can deploy either as a proxy server or within a web server itself.

Troubleshooting Kubernetes Job Queues on DigitalOcean, Part 1

Kubernetes work queues are a great way to manage the prioritization and execution of long-running or expensive menial tasks, such as processing large volumes of employee migration to a new system, ranking and sorting all the planets in the universe by Twitter tags, or even post-processing every frame of the latest Avengers movie.

Getting started with Elastic Cloud

Elastic Cloud puts the power of the Elastic Stack in your hands within minutes. Whether you’re trying to add search capabilities with Elastic Enterprise Search, monitor critical systems and applications with Elastic Observability, or protect your organization from cyber threats with Elastic Security, taking the first step is easy.

PostgreSQL vs MySQL: Use Cases & Attributes To Help You Choose

Choosing whether to go with PostgreSQL or MySQL depends on your needs as they are both great databases to use under different circumstances. In this article we will run through a few of the top reasons and use cases to help you choose between these choices for database creation. Note: As a matter of fact, MySQL is so popular it became part of the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) used for building many web servers.

Find logs fast with new "tail -f" functionality in Cloud Logging

When you’re troubleshooting an app or a deployment, every second counts! Cloud Logging helps you troubleshoot by aggregating logs from across Google Cloud, on-premises or other clouds, indexing, aggregating logs into metrics, scanning for unique errors with Error Reporting and making logs available for search, all in less than a minute. And now, we’ve built two new features for streaming logs to give you even fresher insights from your logs data.

Elastic Contributor Program: How to contribute code

We created the Elastic Contributor Program to encourage knowledge sharing in our community and to recognize and reward the hard work of our awesome contributors. There are six different contribution types accepted in the program: event organization, presentation, written content, video, translation, and code. In this blog post, we’ll cover how to contribute code in the many free and open projects that Elastic maintains.