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Blue-Green and Canary Releases for Kubernetes

Today I am very happy to announce the general availability of Blue Green and Canary releases for Kubernetes on Cloud 66. Allowing Blue Green and Canary releases for Kubernetes is the result of months of hard work by the team here at Cloud 66 and I am very pleased with the results. We wanted our Blue Green and Canary releases to be simple to use and I think we have found the sweet spot between flexibility and ease of use. Today we are also rolling out Preview deployments to GA for all our customers.

Key findings from The Internet Resilience Report 2024

Ensuring Internet Resilience in today’s digital economy has become not just an IT goal, but a business imperative. Companies are experiencing losses of over $1M a month due to outages and service degradations. Hidden secondary costs include resources dedicated to troubleshooting, payouts to customers, and longer-term impact on company reputation.

OpsRamp Extends Observability to AI Infrastructure

Artificial intelligence is a game-changing technology across industries and business processes, designed to make workers more efficient, reduce the steps it takes to complete a task, and gain answers and insights faster. But those powerful capabilities also put new demands on compute infrastructure and this requires a new class of infrastructure observability metrics.

How OpsRamp's Operations Copilot Will Bring Us One Step Closer to Autonomous IT Operations

As a key part of furthering its autonomous IT operations vision, OpsRamp, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, this week announced its new operations copilot feature, a natural-language interface that enables enterprises to identify, predict and solve IT problems more quickly by converting machine data into a human-friendly and actionable form.

Streamline Your Retail Operations with Automated End-of-Day Processing

End-of-day (EOD) processing is a vital routine for retail businesses, encompassing a series of essential tasks that ensure seamless store operations. At the close of each business day, various systems must reconcile transactions, update inventory, process sales data, and generate reports. These activities are crucial for maintaining accurate financial records, optimizing stock levels, and preparing for the next business day.

Translate Datadog metrics into OTLP with the OpenTelemetry Collector and Grafana Alloy

Today, we are excited to announce that we are releasing new code for the OpenTelemetry Datadog receiver as open source. This code allows users to translate Datadog metric formats into native OTLP format. These metrics can then be sent to any OpenTelemetry-compatible metrics system, whether it’s Prometheus, Grafana Mimir, or another backend database.

Flat Roof Skylights: Enhancing Commercial and Residential Buildings and Space

Architects often struggle with flat roofs due to the limited penetration of natural light and the underutilization of space. Innovative design solutions like flat roof skylights are transforming these limitations into opportunities. In this article, we'll explain how flat roof skylights can maximize natural light, improve aesthetics, and add design flexibility. We'll also discuss their role in creating functional flat roof spaces and the technical considerations architects must keep in mind.

Utilizing Roof Access Hatches as Essential Components for Sustainable Metal Construction Projects

Once just overlooked as convenient entry points, roof hatches are now popular for their important role in sustainable building design. They help natural airflow, reduce the need for energy-intensive HVAC systems, and lower overall energy usage. In this article, we'll discuss the importance of a roof access hatch in sustainable metal construction projects.

Renting a Virtual Number in Turkey: Your Ultimate Guide

In today's digital world, having access to reliable communication channels is crucial for both businesses and individuals. One such solution that has gained immense popularity is the use of virtual and temporary phone numbers. In this guide, we will explore the benefits and applications of renting a Turkish virtual number, including how DID Virtual Numbers can be a reliable option for your needs.

SaaS and Microsoft 365 Service Level Agreement Credit Recovery

In this article, we will be covering Service-Level Agreement (SLA) credits and the general steps Software-as-a-Service customers must take to recover them. We’ll also go over the typical information required by SaaS vendors, how to collect this information, and how CloudReady synthetics can expedite the SLA credit recovery process. SLA credits are a type of compensation to customers by service providers when service providers fail to achieve the agreed-upon service levels.