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Top 10 Java Performance Problems and How to Solve Them

Java is one of the most popular technologies for application development. Tens of thousands of enterprise applications are powered by Java and millions of people use them daily. Java has been evolving over many decades and there are so many web frameworks, middleware, data access technologies and protocols built on Java.

How To Explain DevOps - 10 Ways To Get It Perfectly Right

Describing your profession to other people is never easy, especially if you work in the development field. Non-technical people often lack the understanding and terms that may seem just so obvious to you. And if you’re a DevOps expert, multiply the struggle times 10. To help, we’ve put together a cheat sheet style post to explain DevOps to non-technical people.

Five worthy reads: Revolutionizing IT with artificial intelligence

Netflix recommends Stranger Things to you because it knows you like watching sci-fi thrillers. Tinder lets you swipe right into your next date because it’s learned your interests and partner preferences. Amazon keeps showing you Fitbit because you’ve spent a considerable amount of time browsing through the fitness and wellness category.

Penetration Testing from RapidSpike

The founders of RapidSpike built, managed, and successfully exited from a leading UK Security Company called RandomStorm before launching RapidSpike. One of the main areas that RandomStorm excelled in was Penetration Testing and the founders of RapidSpike have recently launched Pentest People to once again provide Penetration Testing services to the worldwide market.

Uniting technical and non-technical teams for better incident response

It takes a village to respond to and resolve incidents. But the teams involved in incident response often work in silos: SREs and devs are heads down fixing the problem, support is flooded with emails/tickets, and marketing/PR may be putting out fires on Twitter. Even if there’s some communication happening over chat or across desks, there’s typically room for improvement with getting these teams to work together when it matters most.

Mattermost Recipe: Previewing videos in a channel

Here’s another installment of a new series of posts we’re doing on the Mattermost blog: Mattermost Recipes. The goal of these posts is to provide you with solutions to specific problems, as well as a discussion about the details of the solution and some tips about how to customize it to suit your needs perfectly.