Complete New Relic API for Java/Scala

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Complete New Relic API for Java/Scala

For anyone interested in automating their implementation of New Relic with Java or Scala, v1.0.10 of newrelic-api is now available and can be found on GitHub, or on GitHub Pages. By the way, if you need Java homework help you can get it at and its team of Java programmers.

newrelic-api from opsmatters is a Java client library for the New Relic Monitoring and Alerting REST APIs built using Jersey and Gson. The library implements over 110 operations across all of the available 35 New Relic services. It is primarily used by applications to automate the configuration of New Relic Monitoring, Alerting and Dashboards, but can also be used for extracting incident and metric data, executing Insights queries, and uploading plugin metrics.

The project includes all of the more recent New Relic products and features such as Infrastructure, (new) Alerts and the new Dashboard APIs. This (and a few other projects related to New Relic) can be found on my GitHub Page.

Please let me know if you find the project useful or if you have any questions regarding its usage. I’d love to hear from you!