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How to Instrument a Legacy Mule App with OpenTelemetry

In the previous article, we talked about Distributed Tracing with MuleSoft APIs using OpenTelemetry. In this post, we’ll go through the process of integrating Distributed Tracing with MuleSoft APIs using OpenTelemetry via a proxy server. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how we can instrument a legacy mule app with open telemetry without making changes to the existing app. Here, we’re showing an example of getting data from a header as well as a query parameter.

Top 5 Trends Forecasted for Telco Operations' and Network Automation's Growing Impact

There’s no end in sight for the more-than-fair share of technological advancements the telecommunications sector has seen. And with change, comes challenges. The infrastructures that establish digital communication and connectivity that nearly everyone depends on are in regular, ongoing need of upgrades, which calls for significant investments in building and maintaining them. Much of the relevant decision-making comes from Communication Service Providers (CSPs).

Incident Management Steps and Best Practices

According to the Uptime Institute’s 2022 Outage Analysis report, one out of every five companies has experienced a “serious” or “severe” incident over the past three years—a percentage that’s increasing. Those incidents are expensive: over 60% cost more than $100,000, while 15% set their companies back close to $1 million.

Data Lifecycle Management: A Complete Guide

Data has become an essential asset for businesses, driving innovation, improving decision-making, and shaping the future. But how does one effectively manage this valuable resource? This is where Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) comes in — a comprehensive approach to managing data throughout its lifecycle. This blog post will guide you through the ins and outs of DLM, its key stages, benefits, and the tools and technologies that enable successful implementation. Let's dive in!

The promise - and the perils - of GitHub Copilot

There’s been a lot of talk about GitHub Copilot recently, loudly touted as Your AI pair programmer. According to GitHub, Copilot for Business brings the power of generative AI to engineering teams, accelerating the speed of software development and innovation. At the back end is OpenAI Codex, a modified version of the GPT-3 Large Language Model (LLM) used in ChatGPT. At the front end it integrates with code editors like Visual Studio and JetBrains to automatically generate code.

Mastering Zero Trust - Pillars for Security

Zero Trust is a heightened security measure that blocks people and devices from accessing company data by default, only allowing access to those who prove they require it. Zero Trust assumes restricted access to company resources by all: Anyone or anything accessing company resources requires verification each time the system is accessed. There are no options to “trust this device next time” or “save password for next time”.

A practical guide to data collection with OpenTelemetry and Prometheus

Grafana Labs has always been actively involved in the OpenTelemetry community, even working with the predecessor projects OpenTracing and OpenCensus. We have been supporting OTLP as the primary input protocol for our distributed tracing project, Grafana Tempo, since its inception, and our Grafana Agent embeds parts of the OpenTelemetry Collector.

What Is Time to Interactive? A Comprehensive Guide

Website performance is critical to understand user experience and engagement, but there are so many different metrics! What do they all mean? Not to worry, dear reader, I got your back. Let’s break down Time to Interactive or TTI, why you should care about it, and how to make it blazingly fast. In today’s fast-paced digital world 🙄, website performance plays a crucial role in user experience and engagement.

Understanding AWS Lambda proactive initialization

AJ Stuyvenberg is a Staff Engineer at Datadog and an AWS Serverless Hero. A version of this post was originally published on his blog. In AWS Lambda, a cold start occurs when a function is invoked and an idle, initialized sandbox is not ready to receive the request. Features like Provisioned Concurrency and SnapStart are designed to reduce cold starts by pre-initializing execution environments.