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How to Debug AWS Lambda Performance Issues

Ten years ago, Amazon found that every 100ms of latency would cost them roughly 1% in sales. This is a pretty clear statement on the importance of user experience! It’s especially true in today’s ultra-competitive market where the cost of switching (to another provider) for consumers is lower than ever. And one of the most common performance issues in serverless architectures is related to elevated latencies from services we depend on.

Meet the PagerDuty Product Design Team

How do you design a product that customers love to hate? “Hey, that thing you’re responsible for is down. Oh, and people have noticed and they’re complaining about you on Twitter. OK BYEEE!” Our customers love PagerDuty (they legit tell us this). At the same time, they hate hearing from us because it means trouble.

Kibana platform migration: Lessons in large scale cross-team collaboration

When Kibana 4.0 was created back in 2015, it only had three apps: Dashboard, Visualize, and Discover. Fast forward five years, Kibana now consists of 100+ plugins, millions of lines of code, thousands of dependencies, and dozens of frameworks. The architecture of Kibana that worked well with three apps had become a bottleneck that was hindering Kibana’s stability, scalability, performance, and development velocity.

HashiConf Digital Wrapup, June 2020

The first HashiConf Digital event was held on June 22-24, online. The event was meant to be HashiConf Amsterdam, but the team pivoted and moved it online because of COVID-19. My employer FireHydrant was a sponsor, and I was happy to have a chance to attend. The event was very well organized, and that’s even more impressive given that the team had to shift it online.

Domain Hijacking Impersonation Campaigns

A number of domain “forgeries” or tricky, translated look-alikes have been observed recently. These attack campaigns cleverly abuse International Domain Names (IDN) which, once translated into ASCII in a standard browser, result in the appearance of a corporate or organization name that allows the targeting of such organization’s domains for impersonation or hijacking. This attack has been researched and defined in past campaigns as an IDN homograph attack.

Simply Scaling a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster with the TKG Service for vSphere

The previous two posts in this series walked through both the architecture of the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) Service for vSphere and how to use it to deploy Tanzu Kubernetes clusters. In this post, we’ll walk through how to take a cluster and scale it on demand. The examples shown are consistent with the same tag-demo-cluster-01 cluster spec used previously.

Streamline Your Teams' API Design and Strategy with User-Centered Documentation

Every day, application programming interfaces (APIs) are created to speed up the development of modern software applications—from globally-scaled public services to internal endpoints for your proprietary applications. For engineering leaders with teams that write and maintain APIs, however, it can be difficult to know how to prioritize API features, encourage adoption, and respond to feedback from developers. And as we at VMware Pivotal Labs well know, rapid iteration leads to product success.

Why Password Updating Of Apps Is Important For Security

TL;DR: Experts working with tech companies discuss a lot about security issues, both internally and with clients. Indeed, no software program or app is full-proof. While technological enhancements help companies and individuals to perform better, they enhance the capabilities of hackers too. Naturally, everybody has to take the necessary steps required to protect their interests, and the most common yet effective way to do it is to change passwords frequently.

Updated SharePoint, OneDrive Monitoring

Exoprise recently updated the CloudReady SharePoint sensor for monitoring SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2019 Server. At the same time we separated the CloudReady OneDrive sensor to better segregate the crowd. This was a feature request that customers had been asking for. For both sensors, we upgraded the browser, improved the bandwidth (throughput) tests and a number of other enhancements. Read on for more information about new features and enhancements.

Solutions to Strengthen Your IT Business Continuity Plan

When it comes to “business as usual,” the workflow of IT teams today likely looks quite different than it did even a few months ago. Because of this, being able to adapt and put new safeguards in place that ensure uninterrupted business operations is more important than ever. In fact, it’s a necessity.