
Dashboard Fridays: Sample Azure Monitor Dashboard

These Azure dashboards built in SquaredUp show some of the capabilities of SquaredUp’s Azure plugin. SquaredUp lets you easily create dashboards for your Azure resources, scoping a new tile with just a few clicks. The Azure plugin provides the ability to show metrics, alerts, and cost, as well leverage KQL queries against Application AppInsights and Log Analytics workspaces - all from one plugin. When scoping a tile, you can also choose whether to group, aggregate, sort or filter the data.

Dashboard Fridays: Sample Kubernetes dashboard

Engineers need to understand the status of microservices run on EKS, like health status of clusters and nodes, to avoid issues impacting business critical microservices. Plus, you need to be able to keep an eye on EKS resources, including whether the Kubernetes cluster has auto-scaled (where enabled). Usually, to view these metrics, it requires looking at each EKS cluster and node group individually in the AWS Console, or via another complex third-party dashboarding tool. The data is siloed and difficult to consolidate.

Reduce mean time to hello world with OpenTelemetry, Grafana Mimir, Grafana Tempo, and Grafana: Inside Adobe's observability stack

How is Grafana like an invisibility cloak? At Adobe, it’s one of just four tools they’re using to build observability directly into their CI/CD pipeline, making it essentially invisible — but nonetheless impactful — to thousands of developers across the organization who use it in their day-to-day lives.

Azure Managed Grafana users can now upgrade to Grafana Enterprise

In November 2021, we announced a strategic partnership with Microsoft to develop a Microsoft Azure managed service that lets customers run Grafana natively within their Azure cloud platform. Azure Managed Grafana, which became generally available in August 2022, makes it simple for Azure customers to deploy secure and scalable Grafana instances and connect to open source, cloud, and third-party data sources for visualization and analysis.

4 New AWS Monitoring Dashboards for EC2, EBS, RDS and S3

This is just a quick blog to draw attention to some new and enhanced monitoring dashboards we have added to eG Enterprise in the upcoming release (v 7.2) to provide quick and powerful overviews of a range of AWS services. As with all our dashboards, color-coded overlays provide guided drilldown for help desk operators and administrators. If a component has an issue, an amber or red indicator is overlaid to allow the viewer to click through to further diagnostic information.

Watch: 5 tips for improving Grafana Loki query performance

Grafana Loki is designed to be cost effective and easy to operate for DevOps and SRE teams, but running queries in Loki can be confusing for those who are new to it. Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It doesn’t index the content of the logs, but rather a set of labels for each log stream.

New Year's (observability) Resolutions

A new year has started and I've been pondering my hopes and dreams for the year to come. In the world of SRE, observability is the most prominent pillar of my work. So, I decided to drill into the topic of observability and what I'd like to see happen in the industry in 2023. Rather than focusing on any tool, technology, or methodology, I'lll be exploring concepts that can be broadly applied in any organization.

How to forecast holiday data with Grafana Machine Learning in Grafana Cloud

A little over a year ago, we released Grafana Machine Learning, enabling Grafana Cloud Pro and Advanced users to easily view forecasts of their time series. We recently enhanced Grafana Machine Learning with Outlier Detection, which allows you to monitor a group of similar things, such as load-balanced pods in Kubernetes, and get alerted when something starts behaving differently than its peers.

Spot Eco: Introducing a faster, more flexible dashboard

With Eco’s automated reservation management, maximizing savings on your cloud bill and increasing your team’s bandwidth is easy. The new dashboard now includes responsive modular components and an improved commitment filter, so tracking savings and monitoring your environment is even easier.