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Essential Guide to API Monitoring: Basics Metrics & Choosing the Best Tools

APIs have become the de-facto standard in building and running modern applications. They are an integral part of the automation workflow of any business and as more users rely on your APIs to power their applications, the need for them to be reliable is important. Any degradation in their health, availability, and performance will impact your business, so ensuring its reliability depends on proactively monitoring your APIs.

A Two-Way Jira Speedway, the JFrog Artifactory App

The path between two clouds ought to be a speedy two-way street. That’s the DevOps pipeline principle behind the JFrog Artifactory App for Jira, which forges a traceable link between your issues in Jira Cloud and your builds in Artifactory on the JFrog DevOps Platform for cloud. Once the app for Jira has been installed you can: The JFrog Artifactory app, now available in Atlassian Marketplace, currently works with JFrog Platform cloud accounts and Atlassian cloud accounts.

With M1 Mac Minis, The Future is Bright for Mobile Device Testing

WebPageTest tries to use real browsers and devices for testing whenever possible, but doing that at scale has some serious challenges, particularly when it comes to testing mobile browsers. There are a lot of different moving pieces, from the device itself to everything that needs to be in place for traffic shaping. The phones themselves pose significant reliability challenges.

observIQ's Stanza Log Agent Now Part Of OpenTelemetry Project

Today I’m happy to announce that observIQ’s Stanza Log Agent will become a key part of the OpenTelemetry project. This has been in the works for many months and the team at observIQ is thrilled to see it becoming a reality. We’re particularly pleased to see it happening just as we launch our log management platform which will be the first platform to take full advantage of the log agent technology now incorporated into OpenTelemetry.

Why managed open source?

Today, open source is everywhere. Across industries, more and more enterprise applications are created using open source components. The sprawling open source application estate brings its own set of challenges like dealing with multiple vendors, Day-N operations and issues around spiralling costs. But like any software, open source needs to be maintained. This video highlights why managed open source might be the solution for your team, and how Canonical and Ubuntu can help you reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) with Managed Applications.

Coralogix - Panel Discussion: Elasticsearch is Not Open Source Anymore

Does SSPL license endanger your intellectual property? As of January 2021, Elasticsearch is no longer open source. From version 7.11 and onwards, all ELK products (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) will be registered under the new SSPL license created by Mongo and now adopted by Elastic. In this panel, our IP expert lawyer discusses the new license and helps explain whether it impacts your business or puts it at risk.

Open Source in Application Monitoring

Open source projects are a powerful way to accelerate application development. Open source as a support function to monitoring can help support standards and better Observability and Monitoring practices. Learn about the OpenTelemetry project as a tool to improve the quality and flexibility of traces, spans, logs for better monitoring and Observability practices.