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Kubernetes Is Not Just Kubernetes-Ramp Up with These Eight Open Source Projects

When was the last time you got a Kubernetes cluster up and running and said, “Welp, now we’re done”? Probably never. The cluster is only one part of the puzzle. In this demo, you will see eight open source technologies that provide different aspects of operating Kubernetes. Get a technical demo of Kubernetes automation with Cluster API, use Kubeapps and Harbor to provide easy access to new applications, utilize Antrea and Contour to improve network performance, visualize the cluster with Octant, measure conformance with Sonobuoy, and save the day with Velero.

Edge computing is dead, long live micro clouds and IoT gateways

“The King is dead, long live the King.” It might be my french roots speaking, but it seems that actual use cases are replacing King Edge, and it might be for the best. Warning; do not read this blog if you’re particularly sensitive about edge computing (and if you don’t know what this is about, read the “What’s the deal with edge computing?” blog first).

Microservices vs API

In this article, we’ll cover the key differences between APIs and microservices as answered by our contributors consisting of senior decision-makers and CTOs from technology companies around the world. One of the most popular ways to consume data from a web service is through a web application programming interface (API). By interface, we are referring to an agreement, or schema, that anyone using this API must abide by.

We have open-sourced our deployment engine

After months of hard work with our team of 6. We're glad to announce that our deployment engine is now open-source. Now it's time and possible to contribute. Qovery engine is still under development, but more than 600 developers and dozens of successful companies use our Engine for 11 months through Qovery.

Top Open Source projects for SREs and DevOps

Building scalable and highly reliable software systems is the ultimate goal of every SRE out there. Follow the path of continuous learning with the help of our latest blog which outlines some of the most sought out open source projects in the monitoring, deployment & maintenance space. The path to becoming a successful SRE lies in continuous learning.

10 years and 10 million cores: charting OpenStack's greatest achievements

Technology anniversaries have become more commonplace in recent years. The iPhone at 10 years old, indeed Canonical itself turned 15 last year. Here though, we want to look at OpenStack reaching double figures this year. Starting off as a joint project between NASA and Rackspace in 2010, over 500 companies have now joined the OpenStack project in the past decade, which has spun off dozens of sub-projects.

Shipa Open Sources Ketch

Shipa, Corp., delivering a cloud native application management framework built to manage the full application lifecycle, today announced that it is open sourcing Ketch, Shipa’s deployment engine, under Apache License Version 2.0. This open source release is available on GitHub and follows the general availability launch of Shipa’s full application management framework in October.

Splunk with the Power of Deep Learning Analytics and GPU Acceleration

Splunk is a machine data platform with advanced analytic capabilities that allows anyone to get valuable insights from their data. With unlimited use cases, you can leverage SPL to run any analytics you want. SPL has been supporting native machine learning capabilities for some time now. All you have to do is install the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) and you are good to start predicting !