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Open Source Software Thrives: Key Trends and Insights from the Latest Octoverse Report

Open source software has had a tremendous year, with big gains across the board, according to the latest Octoverse report from GitHub. The report, which was presented by GitHub’s Vice President of Developer Relations Martin Woodward at Universe 2022, explores the state of open source and the key trends shaping software development.

Using ChatGPT + Icinga?

The news have been full of coverage: ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), the prototype chatbot released by OpenAI in November 2022 seems to hail in a new era of information sourcing, schooling and learning, and interacting with a computer. The service sprinted to one million users in five days after the launch, with many more following until this date.

Application Monitoring Using Open Source: Contrasting ClickHouse & VictoriaMetrics

Monitoring is the key to successful operation of any software service, but commercial solutions are complex, expensive, and slow. Let us show you how to build monitoring that is simple, cost-effective, and fast using open source stacks easily accessible to any developer.

Attachments in Alloy Mobile Apps

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. This is especially true when describing your problem to IT support. The good news is that Alloy mobile apps can since now handle attachments, including pictures and documents! Technicians and end-users can attach files when submitting issues or collaborating on tickets—in short, in all their daily operations. The new feature enables uploading an existing file from the device library and taking a picture immediately in the app.

5 Proven Ways to Better Protect Customer Data

Technology and innovation have made access to customer data a walk in the park for many businesses. In today’s world, access to customer data is one significant way businesses can provide services that their customers will find acceptable. It helps you provide personalized services and offer customers products and services they will find relevant, which will lead to increased sales conversion. But, unfortunately, most good things have their downsides, and access to customer data is not excluded.

Building, deploying and observing SDKs as a Service - Part 1

An API, or application programming interface, is a set of protocols and instructions that allows two software applications to communicate with one other. APIs can be implemented in a number of architectural styles. One of the most popular styles is REST (representational state transfer,) which allows server and client interaction in a stateless manner.

An Overview of Traffic Mirroring Options in Kubernetes

Testing in production carries a lot of risk, like possibly causing downtime for users. However, the advantages of using real user traffic are many, which has led to the popularity of traffic mirroring. Mirroring can be implemented as part of pre-deployment testing, as well as other parts of the developer experience like the development itself. But, how do you get started with it?

Why You Need to Use Mobile Applications to Increase Business Efficiency

As more people continue to use smartphones, there is a surge in the need to develop mobile applications for businesses. Smartphones are changing how businesses interact with their customers and how customers look for products and services. They have transformed communication and made it part of day-to-day life. Doing so has brought a lot of changes in the market. Therefore, businesses must know how to take advantage of this evolution to increase efficiency, get more customers, and ensure growth.