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App Building And Market Research - How To Connect The Two?

If you're in the business of app building, it's important to understand how to connect your work with market research. After all, you need to know who your target audience is and what needs they have in order for your app to be successful. Here are a few tips on how to make the connection between app building and market research.

Zenduty - Tutorial 15 - Zenduty API and Postman Collections

Zenduty is a revolutionary incident management platform that gives you greater control and automation over the incident management lifecycle. With the Zenduty API, you can supplement and deploy Zenduty in sync with other tools and services, allowing you to create and update incidents, users, teams, services, integrations, schedules etc. and automate your workflows using simple scripts.

Beyond hybrid and remote: How MDM can support the rise of near-from-home working

Challenges & Solutions Now that the world is reopening again from the pandemic, many employees are reluctant to go back to the office, preferring the convenience of work-from-home. To retain these employees, many organizations are adopting a compromise: hybrid work. In this setup, employees go to the office a few days a week, then report virtually from home for the rest.

Introduction to Aiven for ClickHouse

Learn how to work with Aiven for ClickHouse: create a service, explore possibilities provided by the Aiven Console, and finally use ClickHouse CLI to create a table, load data and run a couple of sample queries. CHAPTERS ABOUT AIVEN Aiven’s cloud data platform helps your business reach its highest potential by making your data work for you. It provides fully managed open source data infrastructure on all major clouds, helping developers focus on what they do best: innovate and create without worrying about the limitations of technology.

End-to-End Hybrid Deployment of 5G Network Services and Applications on AWS

In this blog, we describe how Cloudify, AWS, Intel, Proto, and Mavenir orchestrate the deployment of 5G core network as well as deploying applications that utilize these 5G services. At MWC 2022, we showcased the intend-based orchestration demonstrating that SLA based KPI can be used to place a workload anywhere in the cloud continuum, using AWS EKS for workload in Region, LocalZone, and Outposts.

7 Measurable Goals for Customer Support Team

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended varied operations, sectors, and industries, with customer support being no exception. According to a survey consisting of AI analysis of more than 1 million customer service calls by the Harvard Business Review, customer service is among the hardest-hit company functions by the COVID-19 pandemic. Hardly surprising.