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InvGate Service Desk Gets PinkVERIFY Certification Renewed in 2023

We’re proud to announce that InvGate Service Desk has renewed its PinkVERIFY Certified status once again. This proves our continued commitment to industry best practices and offering a robust IT Service Management tool that our users can count on. In 2023, Pink Elephant made in-depth changes to their certification process to accommodate a faster innovation pace.

Lightning-fast troubleshooting for AWS: How to find the root cause fast with Sumo Logic

It’s time to stop firefighting. With Sumo Logic’s AWS Observability, companies like Snoop have been able to simplify data collection, achieve unified visibility across AWS accounts and regions and leverage machine learning to troubleshoot — fast. This re:Invent, we’re excited to showcase how our capabilities for AWS have evolved.

11 Best Customer Service Chatbots for Ecommerce

A good ecommerce business needs efficient customer service. Live customer support has been the preferred choice for companies but it isn’t always practical. This is where customer service chatbots can really help your ecommerce business. Chatbots are AI-enabled solutions that can deliver reliable, effective and optimized customer support solutions. This article introduces you to the 11 customer service chatbots that can change customer support for ecommerce businesses.

One spot for FinOps: Introducing Cost Intelligence and Billing Engine

Wherever you are on your cloud journey, you’re likely under pressure to cut or at least control your cloud spend. You may be undertaking “quick fix” cost cutting tactics such as turning off resources or moving workloads to cheaper services. But, as you may be finding out, tactical, reactive cost management activities generally only work for the short term and do not solve systemic inefficiencies that only increase over time if not addressed.

Network Monitoring Best Practices to Elevate Your Admin Game

Just as car owners rely on indicators to track their vehicle's health, you as a network administrator depend on monitoring systems to keep an eye on the network's vital signs. It involves inspecting and addressing various network components, from devices like routers to critical assets like applications and services, user experience and service providers. In the connectivity world where network reliability is non-negotiable, you must not settle for mediocrity.

Using the Cribl API Part II: The Replay

Our previous post was all about dipping your toes into the wonderful world of API interaction. By leveraging Cribl’s API you can automate many parts of your event pipeline management and tasks. So we got that goin’ for us. Which is nice. One of the common use cases for the API I hear about is kicking off data collection automatically. Use cases include: Cribl gives you the tools to collect data when you want, from where you want, and to where you want.

Simplify Kubernetes with Cribl Edge on EKS Add-on

Let’s be honest, working with Kubernetes (K8s) has never been the easiest tech to work with. As a seasoned Kubernetes professional, I find myself constantly looking for ways to set up collecting data from my clusters, only to find out that there is a new, more complicated way to get the data I’m looking for.

Grafana Tutorial - Annotations

Grafana is a tool that helps users identify and fix performance issues by allowing them to monitor and analyze their database. Grafana is famous for making great graphs and visualizations, with tons of different functionalities. This Grafana tutorial is about one of these functionalities: Annotations. Grafana annotations are for users who want to make notes directly onto the graphs in their dashboards. There are various reasons a user might want to do this.