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What's New at observIQ

You may have noticed a few changes around here. If you explore our new website, you’ll notice new products, expansions to our open source libraries, significant contributions to our favorite open source project, OpenTelemetry, and new integrations with Google Cloud. You might just think we’re taking “new year new me” a little too seriously, but in fact we’ve been planning some of these changes for a long time. It all stems from our firm belief in open source technology.

[2022] Best Software Deals and Discounts for Schools and Educational Organizations

Since the pandemic struck, education has moved even further online. Many schools are now actively transforming their programs to ensure uninterrupted remote education of high quality. This means device deployments have commonly grown to 1-to-1 — every student now has a laptop. At the same time, budget constraints don’t allow buying subscription plans for all the software schools and educational institutions need. Sounds familiar?

Defining Your IT Security Perimeter

It wasn’t too long ago that a security system would be nothing more than a few walls, some cameras, and an inattentive security guard. That’s no longer the case In today’s digital landscape. Now organizations must invest in securing their assets from a growing number of cyberthreats. To start, they must first draw up the boundaries of their IT security perimeter.

Video: How to build a Prometheus query in Grafana

Once you have set up your Prometheus data sources in Grafana, it’s time to put them to work. In the one-minute tutorial video below, we show you how to build a query in Grafana 8.3 with Grafana’s easy-to-use Explore mode. Prometheus uses a query language called PromQL. If you are already familiar with PromQL, you can simply enter your query in the text field and run the query.

Is ARM architecture the future of cloud computing?

Central processing units (CPUs) can be compared to the human brain in that their unique architecture allows them to solve mathematical equations in different ways. x86 is the dominant architecture used in cloud computing at the time of this writing; however, it is worth noting that this architecture is not efficient for every scenario, and its proprietary nature is causing an industry shift toward ARM.

Shipa Volumes - Container Storage Demystified

If you are a software engineer like myself, two areas that I am not well versed in are networking and storage. Yes, my application has to communicate and yes my application needs to be deployed and requires some storage. Though that is usually the extent of my knowledge. Thanks to using elastic compute from cloud vendors in the last several years, the answer I usually give is “yes, attach 100gb of standard block storage per instance”.

Training Intelligent Alert Grouping

We’re continuing on with our third piece about how to utilize and improve your Intelligent Alert Grouping (IAG)! In case you missed it, the first two blog posts describe the feature (here) and explain how it uses merging to group alerts (here). We alluded to today’s post at the end of last: today we’ll be discussing how to use alert titles to improve IAG matches.

"What's in it for us?": Putting Users in the Driver's Seat of VDI w/ VMware

Back in 2007, when the VMware team was outlining the benefits of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), our presentations included a very specific use case: “global pandemic”. No, we didn’t have a crystal ball through which we could foresee the COVID crisis, more than a decade in advance. But even back then, we were looking at the security benefits of VDI, if global health crisis did suddenly force workforces to go remote.

Stackify vs. New Relic vs. Scout | APM Tool Comparison

Stackify Retrace primarily supports Java, .NET, PHP, Nodej.js, Ruby, and Python applications. New Relic supports Java, node.js, Python, Go, PHP, .NET, and Ruby. On the other hand, Scout APM supports Ruby, Python, Node.js, PHP, Elixir & Phoenix, in addition to Error Monitoring, Database Monitoring and External Services Monitoring.