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GrafanaCONline Day 7 recap: The past, present and future of Loki, and making dashboards that tell stories

GrafanaCONline is live! We hope you’re able to check out all of our great online sessions. If you aren’t up-to-date on the presentations, here’s what you missed on day 7 of the conference.

Zebra Technologies Improves Multi-Cloud Monitoring with OpsRamp

Zebra Technologies makes mobile computers, barcode and RFID devices, printers and communications software for healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, retail and other sectors. Despite or maybe even because of Covid-19, the company has a strong outlook; its stock rose 25% in April and is up 16% over the last 52 weeks, according to The Motley Fool. The analyst noted that Zebra’s business process automation technologies help “grease the wheels” of companies during difficult times.

New in Grafana 7.0: Trace viewer and integrations with Jaeger and Zipkin

Moving to a scalable, distributed microservice architecture poses a great deal of challenges for any organization. It gets harder to understand the system and pinpoint where errors originate. Logs get much messier, and stitching together a coherent picture of a particular request can be time-consuming or downright impossible. Distributed tracing can help with all of that.

GrafanaCONline Day 6 recap: The power of Tanka, and a peek into the world of beehive monitoring with Grafana dashboards

GrafanaCONline is live! We hope you’re able to catch the great online sessions we have planned. If you aren’t up-to-date on the presentations, here’s what you missed on day 6 of the conference.

Cortex v1.1 released with improved reliability and performance

Today we’re releasing Cortex 1.1, the first (minor) release since Cortex went GA in March, over 6 weeks ago. This release represents more than 140 commits by over 30 different authors from 9 different companies. In this post we’re going to give you some of the highlights of this release.

What Is the Difference Between SaaS-Based and Cloud-Based?

Software as a Service (SaaS) based and cloud-based products and services may sound like they’re referring to the same thing. True, if the service exists “in the Cloud,” it may be both SaaS and cloud-based. While your SaaS-based application will almost certainly be cloud-based as well, your cloud-based services may not always be SaaS-based. SaaS is a component of cloud computing.

Dogfooding Chronicles: Tracing the path from "It's Slow" to "What's Slow"

Dogfooding is the practice of sampling your own product before the public does. For dog food executives, chowing down on their own kibble is a literal gut-check. For Sentry, we’ve been using Performance in advance of its upcoming release as a way to think through our own issues, all so we can give you better visibility into yours. Context is critical for software teams. It bridges the gap between a problem to solve and the right person to solve it.

GrafanaCONline: Chrome browsing data to Grafana - as you browse

This session covers using variables to combine weather records and forecasts to measure a beehive – and how this can help beekeepers. We’ll also show how to compare particulate-matter (PM) measurements of nearby stations from different networks and develop a humidity-correction for low-cost PM sensors within a Grafana dashboard.