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The latest News and Information on Log Management, Log Analytics and related technologies.

Fintech APM: Considerations, Benefits, and Tools

In the last few years, fintech enterprises have disrupted the financial services and banking industry by taking everything computing technology offers – from machine learning to blockchain – and turning it up a notch. Traditional financial institutions must now compete with challenger banks offering electronic payment alternatives, peer-to-peer lending, and investment apps.

Using AIOps for automation and efficiency in observability and IT operations

Artificial intelligence for IT Operations (or AIOps) has been playing an expanding role in helping SREs, DevOps, and developers effectively navigate the challenges around application and infrastructure complexity, pace of change, and data volume that characterize the operations landscape.

Sumo Logic platform video

Sumo Logic SaaS analytics platform makes the world's applications reliable and secure 24x7x365. Learn how Sumo Logic ingests data at scale, helps find and troubleshoot issues fast, and secures user experiences. We integrate with hundreds of out-of-the-box apps, making it easy and seamless to get more from your data quickly. Whether your data resides in multiple clouds or on-premises, now you can monitor, troubleshoot and secure your apps from ONE platform powered by logs.

Test Observability with Sumo Logic

The software industry has seen many evolutions. There is a new disruption in the market every five years or so. Software testing cannot remain isolated from all the latest trends and technologies. Testing strategies need to keep up with agile development, faster deployments and increasing customer demand for reliability and user-friendly interfacing. They need to be able to grow just as quickly and just as reliably as the business logic.
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The Right Time to Right-Size Your Observability Process

Every client we meet has been using multiple tools to satisfy their observability needs. We rarely find a greenfield opportunity. As their journey progresses, they have pointed out when the time is right to add ChaosSearch into the fold. There isn't just one symptom; it's usually a combination of things, including high log data volume, unpredictable costs, and ineffective results, to name a few. By the time we talk to clients in this state, the pain and frustration are incredibly high. We created a five-minute video to demonstrate how clients find themselves in this predicament.

How to Get Full Kubernetes Observability in Minutes

How is your organization handling Kubernetes observability? What tools are you using to monitor Kubernetes? Is it a time-consuming, manual process to collect, store and visualize your logging, metrics and tracing data? And, what are you actually getting out of all that investment? At Logz.io we’re trying to make this process easier for customers who are serious about Kubernetes observability. We’ve made significant investments in this area for Kubernetes use cases.

Everything You Should Know About Windows Event Logs

If you’ve ever seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, you might remember the scene where Indy and his dad are in a room replete with the most ornate chalices possible, only to realize that the Holy Grail is the most plain, utilitarian one in the room. Windows event logs are the IT version of the plain-looking clay cup that holds the key to answering your service questions and system issues.

Observability to Modernize Apps and Increase Business Resilience

Increasingly, the speed and scale of a business can be measured by the resilience and performance of its applications. That’s why organizations are opting to modernize legacy applications by rewriting them using cloud-native tools and platforms. A Gartner study found that by 2025, cloud-native platforms will be the foundation for more than 95% of new digital initiatives, compared to less than 40% in 2021.