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Introducing IP Safelist for our API access

At Rollbar, we understand that security is not just a feature but a cornerstone of modern enterprise operations. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing robust security solutions, we are excited to announce the expansion of our security controls by introducing IP Safelist for our API access. This new feature extends the advanced security options available in our Enterprise packages.

How to Monitor Multiple Status Pages Effectively in 2024

In today’s digital landscape, relying on multiple services is inevitable, as is the occurrence of outages. According to Trilio, over 80% of organizations have experienced an outage in the past three years. Even if your services avoid incidents, scheduled maintenance downtime is unavoidable. Given the heavy dependence on third-party services, monitoring the status of cloud services is crucial.

What is hybrid observability? Transform ITOps with AI insights

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, IT teams grapple with the complexities of managing hybrid environments, where on-premises infrastructure coexists with cloud-based services. A report by 451 Research highlights the prevalence of this challenge, revealing that over 60% of organizations operate in hybrid environments. Yet, many struggle to manage the intricacies of this architecture effectively.

Cloud Migration: Security Shines a Light on Operations' Dark Networks

Dark networks have provided a measure of security to supply-chain operations for a couple of decades. These networks are closed to the outside world, only accessible via the connections between enterprise systems – think warehouse management, enterprise resource planning, etc. – and the rugged mobile devices carried by workers within these environments. And, everything is managed by on-premises device management products that never connect beyond the business’s facilities.

Grafana update: Service account tokens are replacing API keys

Enhancing security and providing flexible access control has always been part of our core mission at Grafana. In line with those efforts, we made service accounts generally available in Grafana 9.1. Service accounts are essentially machines simulating Grafana users, and they are used to run automated workloads — for example, counting the number of data sources in Grafana every day or provisioning alerts using Terraform.

The Evolution of Data Archiving: How to Get Immediate Access to Archived Data

Data storage has come a long way. It’s impossible to imagine having to search racks of tape reels for specific datasets, and the same is happening for archival storage. This type of storage is very low cost, but the tradeoff is the data isn’t readily available, often requiring 24 hours or more to convert, thaw, and be in a usable format. But what if you could have your cake and eat it, too? Low-cost archival storage AND instant access to your data?

Everything You Need to Know About IP Address Management (IPAM)

As networks continue to grow in complexity, investing in robust IP Address Management (IPAM) will help organizations manage their IP resources more effectively, minimizing risks and ensuring smooth day-to-day operations. If that’s where your organization is heading, this article aims to provide IT professionals and network administrators with a comprehensive understanding of IPAM, its relevance, and how to implement it effectively within their network infrastructure. Let 's dig in.

Diving into JTAG - Usage Scenarios (Part 5)

In previous articles, we have considered the primary uses of JTAG, including debugging and testing boards in production. For firmware developers, the first - debugging - is the most common. In this article, I want to look at two uses of JTAG Boundary Scan, which are also common tasks for a firmware developer: board bring-up and reverse engineering. Like Interrupt? Subscribe to get our latest posts straight to your inbox.