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How to Transform IT Operations with AI-Infused, Full-Stack Observability

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, maintaining robust and efficient IT operations is more critical than ever. As organizations embrace complex infrastructures, integrating cloud services, microservices, and distributed architectures, the need for comprehensive visibility across the entire stack becomes paramount.

State of Cloud Costs

Organizations face significant challenges in increasing the efficiency of their growing cloud spending, even as the flexibility and variety of available cloud services offer many opportunities for optimization. Cloud environments are complex and dynamic due to the breadth of services and the drive to adopt new technologies, such as Arm-based processors and GPUs that enable AI capabilities.

Windows 11: Run a better traceroute

‍This is a follow-up to two previously published posts on Pietrasanta Traceroute, Catchpoint’s traceroute alternative. Check out the first for technical details about how it works and the second to understand how it solves firewall and path challenges inherent in existing traceroutes. We’re continually looking for ways to respond to the evolving demands of the Internet to create the most useful network (& general IPM) monitoring capabilities.

How to figure out where: decoding the 'colocation versus on-premise' library

For anyone researching ‘on-premise vs. colocation,’ the results soon become repetitive. Google, AI, and YouTube all return similar material on the pros and cons of each option. Some even include public cloud as a consideration. Yet they all reach exactly the same conclusion: that as a business, you need to figure out what is right for you. Whilst the advice is sound, it is also limited. How exactly can a business assess which infrastructure option is right for them?

What is MDR and How Can it Benefit MSPs

Staying ahead of emerging threats is paramount for MSPs tasked with safeguarding their customers’ digital assets. However, amidst the broad range of technologies and buzzwords, distinguishing genuine solutions from marketing spin can sometimes be challenging. This blog draws on a recent podcast interview with N‑able Chief Security Officer, Dave MacKinnon, to give insights into Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and its implications for MSPs.

Ncentral: Calculating TCO and ROI in the On-Premise to Cloud Transition

A few weeks ago, I received a message over Teams from Laura White, one of our Partner Success Managers who works with many of our Super Elite partners. Laura was preparing for an important meeting with a partner to discuss migrating from an On-Premise N‑central server to a Cloud Hosted N‑central with N‑able, and she wanted my input. The move from on-premise infrastructure to the cloud has been a hot topic.

Reduce Downtime and Boost Efficiency with AI and Automation

IT service outages, while inconvenient, also carry widespread ramifications that affect productivity, revenue streams, business reputation, and customer satisfaction. These outages can also drive burnout and increased human error for the IT operations (ITOps) teams tasked with managing the stress that comes with urgent issues and escalations.

DDoS monitoring: how to know you're under attack

A while back, we covered how to check your Windows IIS and Loggly logs to view the source of a DDoS attack, but how do you know when your network is under attack? It is not efficient to have humans monitor logs every day and every hour, so you must rely on automated resources. Automated DDoS monitoring gives your security team more bandwidth to focus on other important tasks and still get notifications should anomalies happen due to a DDoS event.