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Introducing: Sentry's Unified PHP SDK

If you’ve done web development in the past decade, you’ve probably heard about the Personal Home Page (PHP) programming language. Some love it — some don’t. The fact is that PHP is one of the most used programming languages for web development. While you probably don’t script together your Personal Home Page these days, many PHP frameworks, like Laravel and Symfony, are still gaining popularity and others are well established.

Is your Django app slow? Ask a data scientist, not an engineer

I'm an engineer by trade. I rely on intuition when investigating a slow Django app. I've solved a lot of performance issues over the years and the short cuts my brain takes often work. However, intuition can fail. It can fail hard in complex Django apps with many layers (ex: an SQL database, a NoSQL database, ElasticSearch, etc) and many views. There's too much noise.

Introducing Interactive Slack Notifications

Quickly responding to new, reactivated, and otherwise important exceptions is a critical part of adopting continuous delivery and other DevOps best practices. Rollbar provides code version-specific dashboards and a live feed for proactively monitoring for exceptions during a deploy, but for those exceptions that happen when you aren't actively watching Rollbar, our Slack integration is the most popular way to get real-time alerts.

How to Monitor Amazon RDS with CloudWatch

Amazon RDS allows you to store your application data in databases without having to actually manage the servers the databases are hosted on. It also allows you to easily set up read replicas and take snapshots of your database. However, since it’s a managed service, you have less visibility with traditional monitoring tools. As such, it becomes even more important to take advantage of the available monitoring tools in AWS.

Web Frameworks Implication for Serverless Cold Starts

In the world of web applications, Web Frameworks (WF) existed for a very long time. Traditional WF existed in a world without the notion of microservices, let alone the notion of serverless. Many first-time serverless users use WF to ease the transition into the ecosystem, sometimes unaware of its effect on the performance. The following post focuses on potential cold start issues when using WF in the NodeJS ecosystem.

Support Your Customers More Effectively with Honeycomb

Customer success can be a serious differentiator and competitive advantage for companies today. Everyone wants to ship quality products to their customers faster, and the rise of subscription-based pricing and SaaS applications in the last decade means that ensuring customer success is a more critical part of the business than ever.

U.K. Calls a "Brexit" on Pagers

National Health Service’s (NHS) recent announcement on the ban of the pager represents great news for U.K. healthcare organizations and their practitioners. The ban not only represents a transformative move, it also showcases pagers’ lackluster performance in providing secure, clinical communications. Now that pagers are making their way out of U.K.

Digital Transformation Is Top IT Priority in 2019, TechTarget Reports

Nearly 70% of businesses have digital transformation as their top IT priority in 2019, according to the 2019 TechTarget IT Priorities survey. But what does that mean? Digital transformation is a loose term, used by different people in different ways, to encompass the initiatives businesses undertake to modernize their IT operations.