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Why should you audit privileged access management?

To pull off a data breach, today’s cybercriminals have some formidable tools at their disposal. They can use software to guess simple passwords. They may infect a system with ransomware, only returning stolen information when they’re received payment. They might choose to deploy a social engineering attack and gain access to a network through human error.

What is IT Documentation Software and Why Do You Need It?

Any MSP owner or IT director knows the pain of losing valuable institutional knowledge. While often overlooked, strong IT documentation can be the difference between hours, potentially days, of downtime and a smooth operation. To avoid these costly missteps, IT pros are increasingly turning to IT documentation software to help document, standardize, and use contextual information about their IT environments.

NinjaOne Adds Image Backup, New Security Bundle to Battle Ransomware

Today, NinjaOne, a unified IT operations platform for MSPs and IT departments, has introduced new image backup capabilities to Ninja Data Protection, the company’s natively developed backup and disaster recovery solution. Additionally, the company is now offering Ninja Protect, a new bundled security product with BitDefender to improve users cybersecurity standards and resist ransomware.

Troubleshoot Javascript (in real-time)

Javascript execution analysis on dev environments is easy—just use Google Developer or some other free tools. However, getting the same level of analysis while your application is being used by a real user is much harder. You can’t possibly ask the end-user to help you troubleshoot. Even if you did, the user probably wouldn’t know what to do and they definitely wouldn’t be impressed by your organization.

The Stream Life Episode 25: SaaS Security Platforms

In this episode of the Stream Life Podcast, Nick Heudecker and Ed Bailey look at SaaS security platforms and managed security providers and how they’ve grown over time. They look at the benefits the model brings to organizations, how it is growing across the world, the challenges it can also bring, and the questions you should be asking your vendors.

MSP Remote Monitoring & Management Tools

eG Innovations is an end-to-end performance monitoring solution provider with a dedicated MSP solution and an MSP partner program to allow MSPs to use our functionality to provide value-added premium services. For example, MSPs use our eG Enterprise solution to provide managed first line helpdesk support or to provide dashboards and portals to enable individual clients to monitor their IT infrastructures and applications.

PagerDuty at AWS re:Invent 2021-Deepening Our Collaboration with AWS

Across the globe, in-person technology events are beginning to emerge from their pandemic hibernation. For developers and DevOps teams, no event has been more anticipated than AWS re:Invent, which is back in Las Vegas, November 29th — December 3rd to help bring us all back together and slowly let us find our new normal. While handshakes may be replaced by elbow bumps or other newfound greeting rituals, we are excited to be back and see all of you in real life.

41+ BI Tools Every SaaS Company Needs To Know About

Today, data is a bit of an esoteric concept. Data is contextual and you need to understand the data that’s important to you. For instance, cost data. Cost insight has given companies the ability to make informed engineering, product, and business decisions like rearchitecting software or pricing your product for higher profitability. However, to do this optimally, you’ll need to establish the right systems and practices. This is where business intelligence (BI) tools come in.

OpenTelemetry Browser Instrumentation

One of the most common questions we get at Honeycomb is “What insights can you get in the browser?” Browser-based code has become orders of magnitude more complex than it used to be. There are many different patterns, and, with the rise of Single Page App frameworks, a lot of the code that is traditionally done in a backend or middle layer is now being pushed up to the browser. Instead, the questions should be: What insights do frontend engineers want?

Identify Risks to Digital Operations

In today’s increasingly digital world, organizations must balance investment in uptime and experience with capital expenditure toward ongoing innovation. More than ever before, uninterrupted digital operations are responsible for the fiscal success of companies. Yet, these digital landscapes are major areas of vulnerability to business continuity. Today’s digital service disruptions can greatly affect people, facilities, assets and a company’s brand.