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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Going faster with intelligent automation

Avantra is an AI powered solution that turns your complex SAP landscape into accelerated hyperautomation. By providing an automation platform it helps SAP ops teams better manage complex mission-critical legacy environments so they can release capacity from the drag of managing complex legacy systems and redirect resources to power hyperautomation success. Shifting the focus from just managing and ‘keeping the lights on’ to creating value.

Boost Developer Productivity and Operator Confidence with Secure, Enterprise-Ready Open Source

Today, a lot of organizations face the challenge of running open source software in production environments in a secure and compliant way. Just six months ago, we witnessed how a vulnerability in Log4j, one of the most popular open source libraries, compromised millions of sites and applications, including products from major cloud vendors.

Monitoring Ubuntu 20.04 and Activating ML with Netdata

Sometimes a hat is just a hat, the truth is just the truth, and the clearly most popular example of a category is plain to see. In this case, Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution currently available. With the operating system’s superior popularity also comes an amazing amount of community support.

Test Driving Machine Learning (ML) Anomaly Advisor

Netdata’s new Anomaly Advisor feature lets you quickly identify potentially anomalous metrics during a particular timeline of interest. This results in considerably speeding up your troubleshooting workflow and saving valuable time when faced with an outage or issue you are trying to root cause.

Building an On-Device Embedded Testing Library

There are too few C/C++ testing libraries designed for embedded devices. The traditional libraries are not designed for constrained resources and rely on host functionality like a filesystem or standard output. In this post, I detail why I’ve decided to design a new testing library for microcontrollers and cover the rationale, design choices, and thoughts on the prototype. Like Interrupt? Subscribe to get our latest posts straight to your mailbox.

Integrating API Monitoring Into Your Performance Management Strategy

APIs have existed nearly as long as websites themselves. But because APIs are primarily consumed by programs instead of people, they tend to be less visible than applications or sites directly accessed by users. The result: APIs often receive far less attention from a site reliability engineering (SRE) and monitoring perspective than other parts of application environments.

Expanding Vision: OpenSearch Dashboards Advance Open Source Observability

From the moment Elastic announced plans to abandon a pure open source license for its Elasticsearch engine and Kibana dashboards in early 2021, there’s been a massive effort underway to create clear alternatives for the global community of active users. Logz.io has been an outspoken advocate and contributor to this work – fully embracing it as part of our product roadmap to best serve the needs of our customers, and preserve our long-term commitment to open source observability.

Kubernetes monitoring with open-source tools [OpenTelemetry and SigNoz]

Kubernetes monitoring is a critical process for keeping your Kubernetes clusters running in fine health. In this tutorial, we will learn everything about Kubernetes monitoring. We will be using two open-source tools: OpenTelemetry and SigNoz, to monitor a Kubernetes cluster, so you can follow along with the tutorial easily.