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3 Key Considerations for Your Business' Phone System

When selecting a phone system for your business, there are certain things that are non-negotiables. These are aspects that your phone system absolutely needs to have in order to help you run a smooth business. Without these, you won't be able to deliver the best results you can, even if you have ten other mini features available in the system. That's why it's important to go over all your options and make sure you purchase one only after you've weighed the pros and cons of each system.

Komodor Introduces New Companion Tool For Helm

Today, I am happy to see the public release of Helm-Dashboard, Komodor’s second open-source project, after ValidKube, and my first since joining the team as Head of Open Source. It’s a compelling challenge to try and solve the pain points of Helm users, but more than anything it’s a labor of love. So it is with love that we’re now sharing this project with the community, and I’m excited to imagine where it will go from here.

We're listening! Leveling up how we gather, review, and respond to product feedback.

The Bitbucket Cloud (BCLOUD) project is an invaluable source of customer-requested product features, enhancements, and suggestions. As Bitbucket Cloud has continued to grow, we’ve built up quite a backlog! To streamline the process, we recently implemented an in-product form as a replacement for manual issue submission. Entering feedback about Bitbucket Cloud is now easier than ever!

The Entire Software Development Process, Open-Source and Automated via Backstage

The #1 KPI is not how fast a developer codes, but rather how long it takes from the time a developer starts to work on a new feature till it gets to production. In this blog I’d like to describe a few concepts and present a real life example, where we utilized a chain of open source tools to automate the entire software development process, from code to production.

Five worthy reads: Is merging artificial intelligence with your thoughts really a good idea?

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In this edition, we’ll learn what brain-computer interfaces are, their crucial medical applications, and the ethical challenges they pose.

What's the hype about Machine Learning?

Can it help businesses? Machine learning is an inescapable buzzword for many in the operations sector. Even friends and colleagues tend to make us aware of a new ML tool that may or may not be useful. While there are many ML tools in the market, not all are suitable for every business. Some tools, when tested, struggle to solve basic, everyday use cases. Therefore, when evaluating ML tools, other deeper questions and issues do arise.

Nodejs Performance Monitoring | Monitor a full-stack Nodejs application with open-source tools

Nodejs tops the list of most widely used frameworks for server-side programming by developers. Powered by Google’s V8 engine, its performance is incredible. As a result, Nodejs has now become a critical part of the technology stack of large-scale enterprises and startups. And as nodejs is based on Javascript, it is also easier to learn and begin with. Nodejs is a dynamically typed single-threaded programming language.