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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

An Introduction to Apache Parquet

A look at what Parquet is, how it works and some of the companies using its optimization techniques as a critical component in their architecture. As the amount of data being generated and stored for analysis grows at an increasing rate, developers are looking to optimize performance and reduce costs at every angle possible. At the petabyte scale, even marginal gains and optimizations can save companies millions of dollars in hardware costs when it comes to storing and processing their data.

AI/ML in retail: how the shopping experience has changed

AI/ML is reinventing the reality of many industries, including retail. From brick-and-mortar stores to online marketplaces, retail companies are all increasing their investments in artificial intelligence, in order to gain a competitive advantage, better understand their customers and solve some of their long-lasting problems.

Access Bitbucket Cloud repositories more securely with resource-scoped access tokens.

We understand there is a constant tension between the need to keep source code secure, while also enabling tools to integrate with your Source Code Management solution. In line with this, Bitbucket Cloud is introducing the first step in a range of new API security capabilities, designed to give customers fine-grained control over access to their Repositories, Projects, and Workspaces.

Measuring application performance in Swift using transactions

So you’re building a mobile app that’s performing big data requests; or crunching big data. But now you’re asking yourself: With Sentry’s Custom Instrumentation you can keep an eye on those big data-handling functions. Let’s see how you can implement them in your Storyboard and SwiftUI projects.

What is API Observability?

Mission-critical apps that are deployed on the cloud drive today's modern enterprises, which in turn power their businesses. These applications' fundamental units are microservices, which tiny development teams created to enable speedy feature releases to the market. APIs serve as the ties that bring these microservices together so they can cooperate.

Dealing with Privacy and Security Issues in a Hybrid Workplace, Especially a BYOD Environment

The Challenges & Solutions for a Hybrid Workplace Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is quickly becoming the new standard in hybrid workplace technology. BYOD programs allow employees to use their personal devices for work and get appropriately reimbursed. This is a great cost control option, providing more efficiency because of flexibility and convenience – particularly for companies looking for scalability.

Open source and cybersecurity: from prevention to recovery

So you have just installed the latest antivirus and turned on your shiny new firewall. Now your organisation is fully secure, right? The reality is that all the security products in the world will never be able to fully protect your data centre or your business from security threats. Because of the asymmetry between attackers and enterprises, cybersecurity is a problem that can never be solved and is never going away.