HEAL Software

Santa Clara, CA, USA
  |  By Raja Shekar Mulpuri
On July 19, 2024, a significant outage impacted globally, causing widespread disruptions across various industries. This outage was primarily linked to a faulty update from CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor, which led to severe issues on Windows systems. CrowdStrike is a leading cybersecurity company that specializes in protecting businesses from online threats.
  |  By Raja Shekar Mulpuri
Achieving ZeroSec observability has long been the ultimate goal, yet it remains elusive despite countless hours and sleepless nights dedicated to the cause. A recent discussion with a client underscored the persistent challenges that many organizations continue to struggle with in this pursuit. They had all the right tools in place yet faced significant issues that prevented them from achieving a smooth run of the applications.
  |  By Raja Shekar Mulpuri
Event correlation is a critical aspect of modern IT management, involving the analysis and correlation of events to filter out noise and isolate significant events requiring attention. This process helps quickly identify the root cause of issues, reducing the time it takes to resolve incidents and ensuring smoother operations. Key reasons for event correlation include reducing noise data and identifying root causes efficiently.
  |  By Raja Shekar Mulpuri
In an era where digital presence is synonymous with business continuity, unexpected downtime haunts every IT department across industry domains. The quest for operational perfection pivots around not just maintaining uptime but proactively ensuring it. Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations – a ray of hope in this persistent pursuit. Still, the question remains: Is achieving zero unexpected downtime with AIOps a tangible reality?
  |  By Raja Shekar Mulpuri
The increasing rise of Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) in information technology (IT) is rapidly emerging as a transforming force that will redefine the operational paradigms. Essentially, AIOps fuses machine learning, big data analytics, and various IT tools to automate and improve IT Operation processes, including event correlation, anomaly detection, and event causality.
  |  By Raja Shekar Mulpuri
In the world of digital banking, maintaining a seamless and efficient online experience is paramount. However, even the most robust systems can encounter issues that disrupt service and degrade performance. Let us delve into a recent incident that impacted eBanking services of one of our customers, highlighting the criticality of database management and the steps taken to resolve the issue.
  |  By Raja Shekar Mulpuri
In digital transactions, even the slightest hiccup can ripple through the system, causing significant disruptions. Our recent encounter with an unexpected system slowdown and a noticeable drop in transaction success rates is a testament to the intricate balance required to maintain seamless operations. This post aims to shed light on the incident, our findings, and the measures we’ve taken to fortify our system against future disturbances.
  |  By Raja Shekar Mulpuri
In the dynamic environment of core banking systems, maintaining seamless operations is crucial. However, unforeseen complications can arise, leading to critical incidents that demand immediate and effective resolution. A recent incident involving an application patch malfunction presents a compelling study on the intricacies of managing and resolving system anomalies in real-time.
  |  By Raja Shekar Mulpuri
In server management, high memory utilization is more than just a metric; it’s like a lighthouse signaling potential performance degradation, service disruption, and, in severe cases, complete system downtimes. Here we delve into a recent incident involving an App Server for one of our customers, which underscores the criticality of proactive monitoring, swift incident response, and strategic problem resolution.
  |  By Mahalya R
Service incidents are unavoidable in today’s complex and dynamic IT environments. They can cause significant disruption to business operations, customer satisfaction, and revenue. However, many organizations are still struggling to manage service incidents effectively. Here, we will explore some of the common challenges faced by ITOps team and how HEAL, an AI-powered tool, can help conquer them.
  |  By HEAL Software
HEAL Software Inc. is the provider of game-changing innovation HEAL, the first preventive healing software for IT operations that fixes problems before they happen. Contrary to APM and monitoring tools that send alerts or find the problem sources when an incident occurs, HEAL can recognize "signals" that are leading indicators of future incidents and eliminate factors that can create problems.
  |  By HEAL Software
CNBC features Appnomic in this interview with CEO Nitin Kumar.
  |  By HEAL Software
This white paper discusses some inherent issues in current AIOps tools and how preventive healing systems are bridging the gaps left by them. Why AIOps tools are not enough How preventive healing systems fill in the gap
  |  By HEAL Software
This eBook contains 7 tips to help you run your data center smoothly and effortlessly scale while minimizing incidents and operational costs.
  |  By HEAL Software
False positives waste time, cause alert fatigue, and can be extremely expensive. Any time spent by the ITOps teams on false positives is an avoidable cost affecting the company's top line. False positives lead to alert fatigue. ITOps teams regularly identify it as a cause of overwhelm, so much so that they mentally shut the alerts off. They become desensitized to it and begin to ignore it, consciously or otherwise.
  |  By HEAL Software
In 2021, having too many monitoring tools doesn't necessarily mean you have 100% uptime. In this ebook, we discuss the gaps in what the industry needs out of an AIOps/APM tool and why current technologies are failing. We will also give a primer on how HEAL bridges these gaps to help you achieve the holy grail of 100% uptime with proactive, preventive AIOps.

HEAL Software Inc. is the innovator of the game-changing preventive healing software for enterprises known as HEAL, which fixes problems before they happen.

Preventive healing is a new category of monitoring and artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) that preempts outages by acting before they occur and shifting from a break-and-fix model to predict-and-prevent.

HEAL Software Inc.’s preventive healing software supports IT operations by replacing multiple disparate manual IT operations tools with a single, intelligent and automated platform. It’s three-pronged approach focuses on prediction, diagnosis and prevention to eliminate alert fatigue, reduce repair and response times and eliminate over-deployment of resources – meaning IT can focus less on mitigating losses and more on becoming a profit center.

How it works:

  • Predictive & Preventive: Detects early warning signals and prevents problems before they happen.
  • Collective Knowledge: Learns complex relationships within the entire stack from endpoint to application and infrastructure.
  • Situational Awareness: Collects contextual data to ensure responses are coherent and complete.
  • Remedial & Autonomous: Finds root cause and rectifies independently.

Recognize and respond to smaller issues before they become outages.