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What is AIOps (artificial intelligence for IT operations)?

Deploying software to support the work of an enterprise is an increasingly complex job that’s often referred to as ‘devops.’ When enterprise teams started using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to more efficiently and collaboratively run these operations, end users coined the term AIOps for these tasks.

Using SWIG to generate bindings between C and Lua

Lua is one of the many great interpreters that can be run on embedded devices. It’s fast, uses little memory, is written in ANSI C, and is known by plenty of developers. These are a few of the many reasons why the team at Panic chose to include a Lua interpreter on their Playdate device and allow games to be written in it. You can think of Lua as an alternative to the MicroPython (Python) or JerryScript (Javascript) interpreters. However, there’s a problem.

Announcing Logz.io Open 360: One Platform for Open Source Observability

Today, I’m thrilled to announce the introduction of Logz.io Open 360™. This is a major step in our journey. Open 360 is a unified platform for modern engineering teams requiring end-to-end observability across logs, metrics and traces—delivered in an intuitive user interface. Open 360™ is specifically designed to enable engineers to have deep monitoring and insights into distributed systems.

Monitor your mobile apps with Embrace's offering in the Datadog Marketplace

Embrace is a mobile application monitoring solution that helps you track and troubleshoot mobile app performance by combining data analytics, real user monitoring, network performance monitoring, and hardware monitoring in a single platform. We’re pleased to partner with Embrace to offer an out-of-the-box Embrace Datadog app and software license in the Datadog Marketplace.

Visualizing Time Series Data with Chart.js and InfluxDB

Time series data is a sequence of data points generated through repeated measurements indexed over time. The data points originate from the same source and track changes at different points in time. Times series data includes data like stock exchange data, monthly inflation data, quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) data, and logs from IoT sensors.