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ServiceNow's AI Solutions | Exponential Enterprise Growth | iOPEX

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the business landscape, offering immense potential to transform organizations into exponential enterprises. ServiceNow, recognized as the "engine of the enterprise," envisions a future of work where AI-powered solutions automate processes, enhance decision-making, and extract valuable insights from data.

Breaking the memory barrier: How Grafana Mimir's store-gateway overcame out-of-memory errors

Grafana Mimir is an open source distributed time series database. Publicly launched in March 2022, Mimir has been designed for storing and querying metrics at any scale. Highly available, highly performant, and cost-effective, Mimir is the underlying system powering Grafana Cloud Metrics, and it’s used by a growing open source community that includes individual users, small start-up companies, and large enterprises like OVHcloud.

Revolution of Generative AI in IT OPS

In recent years, the field of Information Technology Operations (ITOPS) has witnessed a revolutionary transformation with the advent of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). This cutting-edge technology has brought about significant changes in how IT operations are managed and has proven to be a game-changer for businesses worldwide. In this blog post, we will explore the revolution of Generative AI in ITOPS, its impact, benefits, and the prospects it holds.

ML Observability: what, why, how

Note: This post is co-authored by Simon Aronsson, Senior Engineering Manager for Canonical Observability Stack. AI/ML is moving beyond the experimentation phase. This involves a shift in the way of operating because productising AI involves many sophisticated processes. Machine learning operations (MLOps) is a new practice that ensures ML workflow automation in a scalable and efficient manner. But how do you make MLOps observable?

GitOps the Planet #15: AI Comes to Kubernetes with Alex Jones

The first real application for AI and LLMs has come to Kubernetes in the form of K8sGPT, a cli that can be used to help operators understand exactly what's going on with their clusters. Our guest, Alex Jones, is the creator of K8sGPT and we'll talk about how the project started, where it's seeing the biggest uses, and where AI will impact DevOps in the future. Don't miss this revolutionary GitOps the Planet!

AI and Automation: Transformative Potential for the Future of Business

If anything’s going to decide what the future of IT automation holds, it’ll be artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI. And if this past half-year hype has proven anything, it’s that we could see some serious, game-changing surprises. Did anyone see generative AI including tools like ChatGPT coming?

Generative AI for InfoSec and Hackers- What Security Teams Need to Know

ChatGPT, DALL-E, and other generative AI tools’ ability to process plain-language prompts to create new content is almost cliché by now. What could generative AI craft for your security team? And – perhaps more importantly – what has it already made for hackers today… and what could it create tomorrow? With special guest JR Robinson, head of technology at generative AI platform Writer.