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Top tips: Wearable tech etiquette in the workplace

Top tips is a weekly column where we highlight what’s trending in the tech world today and list ways to explore these trends. This week, we’re exploring wearable tech etiquette at the workplace. Prioritizing face-to-face human connection is practically nonexistent at this point, making it difficult to nurture collaborative environments. Picture yourself entering a public setting like a restaurant, a busy train, or your workplace. What do you see?

Alberto Gomez joins as CPO of Checkly and Tim Nolet will become Chief Evangelist

Today, I’m thrilled to announce two changes to our leadership team. We at Checkly aim to deliver the best synthetic monitoring platform that allows you to identify and resolve issues 10x faster. I’m proud to have crossed that 1,000-customer mark and aim to enhance your experience even further as we are just getting started and are excited about what technologies like Open Telemetry, Clickhouse and others will enable us to do in the future.

And What About my User Experience?

Monitoring backend signals has been standard practice for years, and tech companies have been alerting their SRE and software engineers when API endpoints are failing. But when you’re alerted about a backend issue, it’s often your end users who are directly affected. Shouldn’t we observe and alert on this user experience issues early on? As frontend monitoring is a newer practice, companies often struggle to identify signals that can help them pinpoint user frustrations or performance problems.

The role of secure data storage in fueling AI innovation

Artificial intelligence is the most exciting technology revolution of recent years. Nvidia, Intel, AMD and others continue to produce faster and faster GPU’s enabling larger models, and higher throughput in decision making processes. Outside of the immediate AI-hype, one area still remains somewhat overlooked: AI needs data (find out more here).

AI realism (part two)

Emotions are running high about AI technologies. In this 2-parter, I do my best to make a rational case for the state of AI, and how we can respond to it. This is the second part; catch up with part one here. Today, we’ll talk about developing a company culture that thrives on experimentation and unpredictability. I’ll describe the conditions that can keep a product company nimble and healthy during a period of rapid change, enabling it to take advantage of emerging technologies.

Monitor Complex User Flows With Checkly's Multistep Checks

With an ever-growing market of digital products, it is becoming increasingly important for every business to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. In the past, companies might have been able to get away with slow or messy websites. Today, if a customer gets frustrated even once, they will likely abandon your product in search of a better replacement.

Monitor Complex User Flows with Checkly's Multistep Checks

Learn how Checkly's new multistep checks help you to decrease incident response times with synthetic monitoring. Use multistep checks to chain and manage multiple API requests, run custom code for response validation, and get accurate alerts when incidents occur. This video explains how to create a multistep check to monitor a RESTful API from scratch. Do you have questions? Join our vibrant Checkly community on Slack and explore further!

How AI is a Shift Right for IT, Robert Grazioli, CIO, Ivanti

Find out how AI can help IT reduce burnout and power better Everywhere Work in Ivanti’s latest report: ivanti.com/research. Without data, you are not going to have AI. But the key here is to have a data architecture that will enable AI, says Ivanti CIO Robert Grazioli. Citing Ivanti’s research report, Everywhere Work Report 2024, he covers why remote and hybrid work has increased the burden and responsibility on today’s IT teams, and why AI is seen by many as a solution to lessen IT stress and put the power back in the hands of the end user.

The next buzz in the city of bees: digital infrastructure, AI, and Manchester

Manchester has come a long way - from pioneering the world’s first stored program digital computer, to becoming the top tech city in the UK outside of London. The MCC 2021-2026 Digital Strategy now guides a £5bn digital economy, with more than 10,000 businesses employing over 96,000 people. It has seen the development of five unicorns and is still home to three, billion-pound businesses. So, the city of bees is buzzing.