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If everyone is AIOps - which AIOps is right for you?

With so many IT vendors claiming they provide AIOps platforms, how do you understand the differences between them, and decide what flavor of AIOPs to choose for your organization? Join us in a CTO Perspective discussion with Elik Eizenberg, CTO and co-founder at BigPanda, to find the answer. Read the skinny for a brief summary, then either lean back and watch the interview, or if you prefer to continue reading, take a few minutes to read the transcript. Enjoy!

The Future of Database DevOps

I work as Director at ThoughtWorks in the database and DevOps space. I’ve been here for 20+ years and I vaguely remember my first project at ThoughtWorks in 1999 when we had just started using Agile software development practices. The basic challenge we faced was how to move database changes at the same pace as application code and keep them in sync so that deployments would work. At the time, we had to invent all the tools, processes, and techniques that we needed.

Logz.io Now Supports AWS App Runner

Logz.io now natively supports AWS App Runner. AWS has launched an innovative service called App Runner. This service builds upon Fargate, the AWS service that runs containers on Kubernetes without manual maintenance, patching, and upkeep of the containers or Kubernetes itself. App Runner takes this to the next level. It creates additional automation of and capabilities to deploy, run, and scale containerized workloads in concert with continuous deployment.

SNMPv2 vs. SNMPv3: An SNMP Versions Comparison Table

By 2024 there’ll be an estimated 83 billion connected devices on our networks. All these devices, made by a wide variety of vendors, use different types of software, making everything more complicated for IT staff trying to get network devices working together. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) acts like a magic wand to untangle that ball of yarn with a simple gesture.

Resilience in Action Episode 7: Killing Ops with Tony Hansmann

Resilience in Action is a podcast about all things resilience, from SRE to software engineering, to how it affects our personal lives, and more. Resilience in Action is hosted by Kurt Andersen. Kurt is a practitioner and an active thought leader in the SRE community. He speaks at major DevOps & SRE conferences and publishes his work through O'Reilly in quintessential SRE books such as Seeking SRE, What is SRE?, and 97 Things Every SRE Should Know.

How a CIO dashboard helps you run IT like a business

Today’s business demands that IT transform from a cost center to an innovation engine. To foster a business mindset, IT leaders need full visibility into operations so they can achieve desired business outcomes. At ServiceNow, we run IT like a business to deliver value quickly, improve productivity, and create great user experiences. The CIO Dashboard is one of the capabilities our IT leadership uses daily to advance business outcomes that help us scale.

10 Biggest Mistakes IT Professionals Make And How to Avoid Them

IT spending grew to an impressive $3.8 trillion in 2019. With 2020 giving enterprises a reality check on remote working, the spending on digital transformation is expected to grow even further. It goes without saying that IT is an integral part of any company, big or small. When the stakes are so high, there’s very little room for mistakes. However, we’re all humans and do make mistakes.

Press Pause on Auto-Renewals: How to Brave a Software Switch

One of the biggest reasons organizations don’t try out a new software vendor is the perceived costs of switching. Most cite the fear of implementation being too expensive, too difficult, or too time-consuming—all excuses to justify maintaining a vendor contract, even if that vendor is performing poorly and not meeting expectations. But what’s at risk when organizations simply renew year after year? Who loses if the status quo is maintained?

5 factors for evaluating an RMM tool for the modern MSP

Managed service providers (MSPs) are becoming increasingly important in the IT management industry. The role of an MSP does not just stop with monitoring, managing, and maintaining the IT services of their clients; it extends to keeping a close watch on everyday IT developments and proactively securing clients’ IT networks against cyberthreats. To balance all these responsibilities, MSPs need comprehensive IT management and monitoring solutions that can cater to all their needs.