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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

Reject fake users with Block Disposable Email

Disposable email addresses are temporary email addresses used for a short period of time. The use of disposable emails is quite controversial and they are widely used in online frauds. Hence, a large number of businesses need to block disposable email services to ensure they are dealing with genuine customers.

Multi-Cloud Security Myths

As multi-cloud architectures grow in popularity, more and more organizations will start asking how to secure multi-cloud environments. Some will conclude that a multi-cloud architecture requires a fundamentally different approach to cloud security. That’s one example of a myth about cloud security in a multi-cloud architecture. Let’s take a look at why this assumption is flawed, along with some other common myths about multi-cloud security.

Zooming in on UEBA: Answering the "what" and the "how"

User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) is a relatively new category of cybersecurity tools that utilize machine learning (ML) algorithms to detect abnormalities in the behavior of the users and entities that belong to an enterprise network. UEBA monitors and continuously learns from the behavior of various user accounts and devices in the network, and establishes a baseline behavioral profile for each using statistical and probability models.

Find out which of your employees pose the greatest security risk

Among the different types of cyberattacks, insider threats are the hardest to track and have the highest rate of success. This can be attributed to their use, or rather misuse, of legitimate credentials, machines, and access privileges. Traditional SIEM solutions use simple rule-based alerting to detect potential insider threats, which cannot analyze user behavior or detect any anomalies therein.